Hepatocellular carcinoma with high and low metastatic potential before and after bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation: a MRI imaging study using Gd-RGD probe

Tian-ran Li,Xiao-bin Huang,Zhi-jie Yang,Guang-ming Lu,Yan-jun Li,Ming-hui Yu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0899
Abstract:BACKGROUND: With the advancement of modern molecular imaging, possibilities to monitor the efficacy of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) against tumors have been achieved. OBJECTIVE: To construct a novel metastasis-associated MRI molecular imaging probe, Gd-RGD, and to observe metastasis and proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) before and after intervention with BMSCs using MRI imaging. METHODS: The metastasis-associated MR molecular imaging probe, integrin αvβ3 ligand cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA-Gd (Gd-RGD), was constructed, and the ingredient analysis and identification were implemented through 1 H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) methods. MHCC97-H and MHCC97-L animal models were established. After BMSCs intervention was administrated via the tail vein for 6 weeks, tumor weight inhibition rate was calculated. MRI imaging with a metastasis-associated integrin ligand RGD molecular probe was performed. Molecular imaging probe Gd-DTPA was taken as control. Signal noise ratio (SNR) and contrast to noise ratio (CNR) of MRI were taken as semi-quantitative indicators. MHCC97-H and MHCC97-L animal models before BMSCs intervention were co-cultured with BMSCs using Transwell method. Quantitative PCR method was used to detect proliferation and metastasis-associated indicators, tumor growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), osteopontin, integrin subunits αv and β3. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) After BMSCs transplantation, the tumor tissue weight of HCC decreased obviously, and the tumor weight inhibition rate was peaked in the 3 rd week. (2) For high metastatic potential (MHCC97-H), both SNRs and CNRs of Gd-RGD MR imaging before and after BMSCs intervention were statistically different (P < 0.05). For low metastatic potential (MHCC97-L), SNRs of Gd-RGD MR imaging before and after BMSCs intervention were not statistically different (P > 0.05), while CNRs were statistically different (P < 0.05). (3) SNRs of Gd-RGD MRI were significant different between MHCC97-L and MHCC97-H after transplantation (P < 0.05), while SNRs and CNR of Gd-RGD MRI changed significantly as compared with those of Gd-DTPA after cell transplantation. (4) In MHCC97-H cells co-cultured with BMSCs, the osteopontin, integrin subunits αv and β3 and TGF-β1 expression significantly decreased (P < 0.05), but integrin subunit αv expression did not change obviously (P > 0.05). In MHCC97-L cells co-cultured with BMSCs, OPN, β3, TGFβ1 and αv expression significantly decreased (P < 0.05). These findings reveal that the CNR index of MR imaging in two kinds of tracers is a good indicator to distinguish high and low potential HCC tissues. After BMSCs transplantation, the SNR and CNR indexes of Gd-DTPA and Gd-RGD can both distinguish high and low potential HCC tissues, and Gd-RGD imaging can achieve a more accurate distinction compared with Gd-DTPA. Subject headings: Bone Marrow; Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation; Liver Neoplasms; Integrin alphaVbeta3; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Tissue Engineering Funding: The national Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81271607; the Post-doctor Foundation of China, No. 2015M572810 0 引言 Introduction 基于骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)的生物治疗是目前研究的热点内容, 尤其是自体干细胞的移植,对于治疗包括肝癌在内的多种 疾病具有潜在的应用前景。然而,对于干细胞是否对肿 瘤具有长期有效的持续作用,以及干细胞的安全性仍需研 究。课题组一直致力于原发性肝细胞癌生物学行为的研究, 例如BMSCs对肝癌干预前后肝癌组织增殖和转移行为的 变化。此外,随着现代分子影像学的进步,使BMSCs 干预肿瘤效能的实时监测成为可能。分子影像的核心是 分子探针,分子探针是一种能与活体细胞内某一靶目标特 异性结合,可以检测其结构、性质并能产生信号,在原位 及体内实时被特定设备监测的一种分子结构。然而,对 于BMSCs干预前后肿瘤生物学行为变化的监测,如肿瘤的 增殖、转移行为等在体内实时监测仍然是难点。整合素 (Integrin)为亲异性细胞黏附分子,介导细胞与细胞间的相 互作用及细胞与细胞外基质间的相互作用而促进肿瘤的转 移。整合素在多种肿瘤表面和新生血管内皮细胞中有高表 达,对肿瘤血管生成起着重要作用,其中以整合素αvβ3最 为重要[8-9]。整合素αvβ3受体通过与细胞外基质蛋白的受体 识别序列精氨酸-甘氨酸-天冬氨酸(Arg-Gly-Asp,RGD) 特异结合而发挥作用。 实验旨在构建新型转移相关MRI分子影像探针 Gd-RGD,通过MRI成像在体内观察BMSCs干预前后肝癌 的转移和增殖行为。 1 材料和方法 Materials and methods 1.1 设计 动物模型MRI成像实验。 1.2 时间及地点 实验于2016年1至5月在解放军南京总 医院医学影像科分子影像实验室完成。 1.3 材料 1.3.1 实验动物 60只健康Balb/c裸鼠,6周龄,雌雄各 半,SPF级,由中国药品生物制品检定所实验动物中心提 供,购入时动物体质量为20 g左右。饮用水为灭菌二级超 纯水,饮用水质量符合中华人民共和国国家标准《生活饮 用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的规定。饲养环境:裸鼠 饲养在IVC-II型(智能型)独立送风隔离笼具屏蔽系统辅以 洁净层流柜的动物饲养室内,温度范围20-25 °C,相对湿 Li TR, Huang XB, Yang ZJ, Lu GM, Li YJ, Yu MH. Hepatocellular carcinoma with high and low metastatic potential before and after bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation: a MRI imaging study using Gd-RGD probe. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2018;22(21):3341-3348. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0899 P.O. Box 10002, Shenyang 110180 www.CRTER.org 3343 度范围40%-70%,裸鼠食用灭菌裸鼠饲料(SPF级,中国医 学科学院实验动物研究所产品)。裸鼠实验前在动物房环境 中适应6 d。实验过程中对动物的处置符合医学伦理学标准。 1.3.2 实验用主要细胞、试剂和仪器 BMSCs(赛业(广州) 生物科技有限公司);高、低转移潜能肝癌细胞(MHCC97-H 和MHCC97-L)(上海复旦大学肝癌研究所);DMEM培养基 (Gibco公司);胎牛血清(BI公司);青-链霉素(100×P.S.)(杭 州昊天生物技术有限公司);胰蛋白酶(Gibco公司);磷酸盐 缓冲液 (国药化学试剂有限公司 );隔水式恒温培养箱 (PYX-DHS500BS-II型,上海跃进医疗器械有限公司)。聚 赖氨酸树枝状分子(Dendrigraft-poly-L-lysines,DGL)( 法 国Colcom公司);双功能基团聚乙二醇(α-Malemidyl-ω-Nhydroxysuccinimidyl polyethleneglycol,NHS-PEG-MAL, PEG)(北京键凯科技有限公司)。 1.4 实验方法 1.4.1 转移相关因子整合素αvβ3的配体RGD的磁共振分 子探针构建方法 DGL-PEG的合成:将DGL(表面123个氨基,相对分子 质量22 000,3代)溶于甲醇中形成反应工作液,密闭保存 于4 °C冰箱中。取60 mg的DGL甲醇溶液,并氮气吹干; 再 定 量 称 取 50 mg 双 功 能 基 团 聚 乙 二 醇 (NHS-PEG3500-MAL),溶于PBS(pH=8.0),质量浓度为 5 g/L。按照PEG∶DGL=15∶1(mol/mol)的比例,室温搅 拌反应2 h,PEG上的NHS基团和DGL表面上的伯胺特异 反应,生成DGL-PEG。产物采用截流相对分子质量为5 000 的透析袋活水纯化24 h,冷冻干燥后得白色固体粉末。 DGL-PEG-cRGD的合成:cRGD肽的N-末端连接一个 半胱氨酸,形成含有游离巯基的多肽。将多肽溶于 PBS(pH=7.0)中,质量浓度为5 g/L。定量称DGL-PEG, 按照cRGD..DGL=10..1(mol/mol)的比例,室温避光搅拌 反应24 h,制得DGL-PEG-cRGD。产物采用截流相对分子 质量为750的透析袋活水纯化24 h,冷冻干燥后得白色固体 粉末。 cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA的合成:定量称取DGL-PEGcRGD与 p-SCN-Bn-DTPA(物质的量之比为 1∶ 90)在 50 mL PBS(pH=9.0)体系中室温下反应48 h。制得cRGDPEG-DGL-DTPA采用截流相对分子质量为5 000的透析袋 活水纯化24 h,冷冻干燥后得白色固体粉末。 cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA-Gd(Gd-RGD)的合成:将上 述制得cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA重新溶解在2 mL 0.1 mol/L pH 6.0的醋酸纳缓冲液中,再加入过量六水合三氯化钆, 4 °C反应24 h,得到cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA-Gd,以相对 分子质量1 500超滤管提纯并于纯水中冻干。 1.4.2 终产物 cRGD-PEG-DGL-DTPA-Gd(Gd-RGD)的 1 H-MRS及ICP-AES分析 取适量新鲜制备的上述化合物 冻干粉溶于0.5 mL二甲基亚砜中,进行600 MHz核磁分析 鉴定。上述冻干粉溶于纯水中,通过电感耦合等离子体原 子发射光谱(Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry,ICP-AES)测定Gd原子的含量,以计算其连 接效率。 1.4.3 具有高、低转移潜能肝癌动物模型制备与BMSCs 干预方法、成像方法 实验分组:以空白肿瘤模型为模型对照组,以BMSCs 干预肝癌肿瘤模型为实验组。 每组又分为GD-RGD实验探 针组和Gd-DTPA对照组。见表1。BMSCs干预实验在前, MRI成像实验在后。 BMSCs干预实验:将动物随机分为4组,分别为2个 模型对照组 (MHCC97-H和MHCC97-L)、 2个实验组 (MHCC97-H和MHCC97-L),每组15只,称体质量标号。 实验组在接种肿瘤细胞(MHCC97-H和MHCC97-L)后第 15天开始尾静脉注射BMSCs(每只鼠5×10个)。模型对照 组在接种肿瘤细胞(MHCC97-H和MHCC97-L)后第15天 开始尾静脉注射BMSCs细胞培养液,每只鼠0.2 mL。于 实验开始后每周用卡尺测一次皮下肿瘤体积,分别于 BMSCs干预后第14天(2周),第21天(3周),第28天(4周), 第35天(5周),第42天(6周)处死动物,每次每组处死3只, 完整剖取瘤块并称瘤质量和体质量,计算肿瘤质量抑制 率。肿瘤质量抑制率=(1-给药组平均瘤质量/对照组平均 瘤质量)×100%。 MRI成像实验分组:分子探针与BMSCs干预采用交叉 分组方法,以临床用二乙烯三胺五醋酸钆双葡甲胺(GdDTPA)为对照组,以Gd-RGD分子探针作为实验组(表1)。 由于每组每次处死3只,到第5周时每组仅余3只,因此每 组各3只荷瘤动物模型进行MRI成像实验,成像实验后将所 有动物模型处死。 1.4.4 转移相关整合素配体Gd-RGD分子探针的MRI成像 实验 设备仪器及扫描参数:扫描仪型号:MR GE Discovery HD750(3.0T),上海辰光医疗科技股份有限公司磁共振 3.0T相控阵小鼠射频线圈,线圈型号:CG—MUC40H300-AG(Bore Diameter:5 cm),扫描序列:T2WI,T1WI, T1WI+CE序列。检查设备及扫描参数:GE HD750 MR, Coil:HD 8Ch High Res Brain Array by Invivo,FOV 6.0cm,Slice Thickness 3.0,Slice Spacing 0.5,NEX 1, Pulse Sequence: Gradient Echo,BEAVO,FSE-XL, SPGR,TR=4 600 ms,TE=108.7 ms,层厚=3.0,层间 距=1.0,矩阵=448×256,FOV=18 cm×13.5 cm。 表 1 MR 成像实验分组 Table 1 Experimental grouping for MR imaging 分子探针 BMSCs 干预 未进行 BMSCs 干预 Gd-DTPA Gd-RGD Gd-DTPA Gd-RGD BMSCs +MHCC97-H BMSCs +MHCC97-H BMSCs +MHCC97-L BMSCs +MHCC97-L MHCC97-H MHCC97-H MHCC97-L MHCC97-L 李天然,黄晓斌,杨志杰,卢光明,李延军,禹名卉. 高低转移潜能肝癌在骨髓间充质干细胞干预前后的 Gd-RGD 成像[J]. 中国组织工程研究,2018,22(21):3341-3348. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0899 ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 3344 平扫图像 T1WI 增强图像(Gd-DTPA) 增强图像(Gd-RGD) 图 1 荷瘤 MHCC97-H 组裸鼠 MRI 图像 Figure 1 MRI images of MHCC97-H tumor-bearing nude mice 平扫图像 T1WI 增强图像(Gd-DTPA) 增强图像(Gd-RGD) 图 2 骨髓间充质干细胞干预荷瘤 MHCC97-H 组裸鼠 MRI 图像 Figure 2 MRI images of MHCC97-H tumor-bearing nude mice under intervention of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
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