Discrete Algorithms Seminar

Wun-Tat Chan,Francis Y.L. Chin,Xin Han,Ka-Cheong Lam,Hing-Fung Ting,Yong Zhang
Abstract:There are many graph problems that can be solved in linear or polynomial time with a dynamic programming algorithm when the input graph has bounded treewidth. For combinatorial optimization problems, this is a useful approach for obtaining fixed-parameter tractable algorithms. Starting from trees and series-parallel graphs, we introduce the concepts of treewidth and tree decompositions, and illustrate the technique with the Weighted Independent Set problem as an example. The paper surveys some of the latest developments, putting an emphasis on applicability, on algorithms that exploit tree decompositions, and on algorithms that determine or approximate treewidth and find tree decompositions with optimal or close to optimal treewidth. Directions for further research and suggestions for further reading are also given. Abstract: Algorithmic meta theorems are algorithmic results that apply to whole families of combinatorial problems, instead of just specific problems. These families are usually defined in terms of logic and graph theory. An archetypal algorithmic meta theorem is Courcelle's Theorem, which states that all graph properties definable in monadic second-order logic can be decided in linear time on graphs of bounded tree width. This article is an introduction into the theory underlying such meta theorems and a survey of the most important results in this area.
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