Beyond Ranking: Optimizing Whole-Page Presentation
Yue Wang,Dawei Yin,Luo Jie,Pengyuan Wang,Makoto Yamada,Yi Chang,Qiaozhu Mei
Abstract:Modern search engines aggregate results from different verticals: webpages, news, images, video, shopping, knowledge cards, local maps, etc. Unlike "ten blue links", these search results are heterogeneous in nature and not even arranged in a list on the page. This revolution directly challenges the conventional "ranked list" formulation in ad hoc search. Therefore, finding proper presentation for a gallery of heterogeneous results is critical for modern search engines.We propose a novel framework that learns the optimal page presentation to render heterogeneous results onto search result page (SERP). Page presentation is broadly defined as the strategy to present a set of items on SERP, much more expressive than a ranked list. It can specify item positions, image sizes, text fonts, and any other styles as long as variations are within business and design constraints. The learned presentation is content-aware, i.e. tailored to specific queries and returned results. Simulation experiments show that the framework automatically learns eye-catchy presentations for relevant results. Experiments on real data show that simple instantiations of the framework already outperform leading algorithm in federated search result presentation. It means the framework can learn its own result presentation strategy purely from data, without even knowing the "probability ranking principle".