Rong DAI,Zhongkui LI,Hui LIU
Abstract:As a new numerical method,explicit Lagrangian finite difference method(FDM) is accepted abroad and applied widely in geotechnical and hydraulic engineering in recent years. However,code implementation and careful investigation on the method are rarely reported. Despite the fast development of computer hardware,it is still a great challenge for regular serial numerical analytical technology to perform either highly simulated numerical analysis or real-time fast back analysis on super-scale geotechnical and hydraulic engineering. Hence, the research on parallel algorithm based on network information transfer is received great attention. Up to now, studies on parallel finite element method or parallel boundary element method have gained great success,but on parallel explicit Lagrangian FDM,there are still many things to do. Thus the method is investigated and serial code is developed. The method′s parallel ability,data assignment,communication mode and calculation order are examined. Parallel explicit Lagrangian FDM is designed in domain decomposition method,master-slave mode and non-block communication. The parallel code is also implemented in C language and MPI(message passing interface) on parallel cluster. Two numerical examples,i.e. circular tunnel and strip footing,are presented to demonstrate that the serial and parallel methods are implemented correctly. More tests with parallel code are undertaken on DeepSuper–21C supercomputer and parallel efficiency above 0.8 can be obtained under condition that number of elements is 912 000 and the number of computing nodes is 32,which shows that the parallelmethod has good scalability. Research on the serial and parallel explicit Lagrangian FDM can be used in large-scale numerical simulation in geotechnical and hydraulic engineering practices.