A mathematical theory of D-string world-sheet instantons, I: Compactness of the stack of -semistable Fourier-Mukai transforms from a compact family of nodal …

Chien-Hao Liu,Shing-Tung Yau
Abstract:In a suitable regime of superstring theory, D-branes in a Calabi-Yau space and their most fundamental behaviors can be nicely described mathematically through morphisms from Azumaya spaces with a fundamental module to that Calabi-Yau space. In the earlier work [LLSY](D (2): arXiv: 0809.2121 [math. AG], with Si Li and Ruifang Song) from the project, we explored this notion for the case of D1-branes (ie D-strings) and laid down some basic ingredients toward understanding the notion of D-string world-sheet instantons in this context. In this continuation, D (10), of D (2), we move on to construct a moduli stack of semistable morphisms from Azumaya nodal curves with a fundamental module to a projective Calabi-Yau 3-fold . In this Part I of the note, D (10.1), we define the notion of twisted central charge for Fourier-Mukai transforms of dimension 1 and width [0] from nodal curves and the associated stability condition on such transforms and prove that for a given compact stack of nodal curves , the stack of -semistable Fourier-Mukai transforms of dimension 1 and width [0] from nodal curves in the family to of fixed twisted central charge is compact. For the application in the sequel D (10.2), will contain as a substack and in this case will play a key role in defining stability condition for morphisms from arbitrary Azumaya nodal curves (with the underlying nodal curves not necessary in the family ) to .
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