BARR-C:2018 and MISRA C:2012: Synergy Between the Two Most Widely Used C Coding Standards
Roberto Bagnara,Michael Barr,Patricia M. Hill
Programming Languages
Abstract:The Barr Group's Embedded C Coding Standard (BARR-C:2018, which originates from the 2009 Netrino's Embedded C Coding Standard) is, for coding standards used by the embedded system industry, second only in popularity to MISRA C. However, the choice between MISRA C:2012 and BARR-C:2018 needs not be a hard decision since they are complementary in two quite different ways. On the one hand, BARR-C:2018 has removed all the incompatibilities with respect to MISRA C:2012 that were present in the previous edition (BARR-C:2013). As a result, disregarding programming style, BARR-C:2018 defines a subset of C that, while preventing a significant number of programming errors, is larger than the one defined by MISRA C:2012. On the other hand, concerning programming style, whereas MISRA C leaves this to individual organizations, BARR-C:2018 defines a programming style aimed primarily at minimizing programming errors. As a result, BARR-C:2018 can be seen as a first, dramatically useful step to C language subsetting that is suitable for all kinds of projects; critical projects can then evolve toward MISRA C:2012 compliance smoothly while maintaining the BARR-C programming style. In this paper, we introduce BARR-C:2018, we describe its relationship with MISRA C:2012, and we discuss the parallel and serial adoption of the two coding standards.