Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation Supplementary Material
Xiyu Yu,Tongliang Liu,Mingming Gong,Kun Zhang,Kayhan Batmanghelich,Dacheng Tao
Abstract:In this supplementary material, the detailed proofs of theorems in this paper are present. 1. Proof of Porposition 1 Proof. Denote πij = P(Y = j|Ŷ = i),∀i, j ∈ {1, 2}. Note that as in many label noise methods, we assume π11π22 − π12π21 6= 0. Since Y → Ŷ and Y → X , then X and Ŷ are conditional independent given Y . Then, it is easy to derive that P ρX|Y=1 = π11P S X|Y=1 + π12P S X|Y=2 P ρX|Y=2 = π21P S X|Y=1 + π22P S X|Y=2. (A.1) Since P X = ωρ1P S ρX|Y=1 + ωρ2P S ρX|Y=2, we have P X = (ωρ1π11 + ωρ2π21)P S X|Y=1 + (ωρ1π12 + ωρ2π22)P S X|Y=2. (A.2) We also have P X = ω1P S X|Y=1 + ω2P S X|Y=2. Since P S X|Y=1 and P S X|Y=2 is different, according to Theorem 1 in (Yu et al., 2018), we have ω1 = ωρ1π11 + ωρ2π21; ω2 = ωρ1π12 + ωρ2π22. (A.3) and ωρ1 = (π22ω1 − π21ω2)/(π11π22 − π12π21); ωρ2 = (π11ω2 − π12ω1)/(π11π22 − π12π21). (A.4) Let ωi = ωρi, i = 1, 2, we have ω1 = (π22ω1 − π21ω2)/(π11π22 − π12π21); ω2 = (π11ω2 − π12ω1)/(π11π22 − π12π21). (A.5) Then, we have (π11π22 − π12π21)ω1 = π22ω1 − π21ω2; (π11π22 − π12π21)ω2 = π11ω2 − π12ω1. (A.6) Then, (π22 − π11π22 + π12π21)ω1 = π21ω2; (π11 − π11π22 + π12π21)ω2 = π12ω1. (A.7) Then, we have π12ω1 = π21ω2. (A.8) According to ω1 + ω2 = 1, we have ω2 = π12/(π12 + π21) and ω1 = π21/(π12 + π21). Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation 2. Proof of Theorem 1 Proof. In this proof, Y = y (resp. Ŷ = y′) is replaced by y (resp. y′) for simplicity. For example, we let P(Ŷ = y′|Y = y) = PS(y′|y). We also let X ′ = τ(X). According to Eq. (2) in the main paper, we have P new X′ = ∑