All-Frequency Environment Light Rendering using Rotatable Square Light and Multiple Product Approximation

Kun Xu,Yun-Tao Jia,Shi-Min Hu,Chiew-Lan Tai
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approximation technique that handles object rotation and translation in all-frequency rendering of dynamic scenes. The method can also handle arbitrary isotropic/anisotropic BRDFs, allowing on-the-fly BRDF swapping or editing. The main challenge is in the efficient approximation of the costly rendering integral between light, BRDF and visibility. We decompose the environment map, which is the integral domain, into several subregions (20-40 is sufficient for producing compelling results) so that the rendering integral over the environment map equals the sum of integrals over individual subregions. We introduce a multi-product approximation that approximates the rendering integral in each subregion by the product of separate integrals of light, BRDF and visibility. To fast compute the BRDF integral and visibility integral, we propose a new representation, rotatable square light (RSL), to represent each subregion. Based on the RSL representation, the BRDF and visibility integrals can be approximated quickly using Summed-Area Table (SAT) and Visibility Distance Table (VDT), respectively. Our algorithm can be implemented on current GPU and interactive frame rates can be achieved.
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