New Trends of Online Learning in the “Post-MOOC Era”
Zhiting ZHU,Mingzhuo LIU
Abstract:In June of 2013, professor Keith Devlin from Stanford University, after his second running of MOOC--In-troduction to Mathematical Thinking, published a blog post titled "The MOOC will soon die. Long live the MOOR"on http://mooctalk. org/2013/06/. This post triggered many new thoughts about MOOCs. In fact, with the rapid development of the MOOCs, some new terms are constantly emerging, such as SPOC - Small, Private Online Cour-ses;DLMOOC -Deep Learning MOOC;MOOL-Massive Open Online Labs;MobiMOOC -Mobile MOOC;DOCC -Distributed Open Collaborative Course; PMOOC - Personalized MOOC; MOOR - Massive Open Online Research, etc. These terms represent different online teaching models, broaden the application scope of online education, have formed form new trends in online teaching and learning. That is why some experts announce that we have moved into the “post-MOOC era”. Malcom Brown, Director of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative since 2009, proposes that the indicators show that we are already in “post-MOOC era”. Robert Lue from Harvard University said, MOOC repre-sents just the initial form of online education, and now many changes have taken place, we have been in the "post MOOC" era.
<br> This paper first describes what "post-MOOC era" means, then analyzes some typical new online learning trends-SPOC, Meta-MOOC, DLMOOC, MOOL, MobiMOOC, DOCC, PMOOC, and MOOR. It also presents a compara-tive analysis of the a forementioned new trends, in aspects of doubts about MOOC, educational ideology, and learning paradigms. According to their meaning, these trends or modalities can be roughly divided into five categories: Self-directed learning, Blended learning, Blended experimentation, Collaborative learning, and Collaborative research. Each modality represents a typical learning paradigm, indicating different perspectives and education hypothesis. And they all vary on two aspects-knowledge delivery and collaborative research.
<br> Through the analysis of the new online learning modalities, we find that, ( i) these new terms emerged from two sources of energy:one is inspired and derived by MOOC;the second is an attempt to create new learning modalities to make up for the drawbacks of MOOCs. ( ii) Although MOOCs has shaken up the higher education field to a un-prece-dent degree the story has not ended. A number of indicators show that MOOCs have evolved to other forms, such as SPOC, Meta-MOOC, DLMOOC, MOOL, MobiMOOC, DOCC, PMOOC, and MOOR.