The androgen-dependent C 4-Slp gene is driven by a constitutively competent promoter ( liver gene expression / in vitro transcription / complement component C 4 / sexual dimorphism )
Y. Miyagoe,E. Georgatsou,N. Varin‐Blank,Tommaso Meot
Abstract:The androgen-dependent liver protein Sip, together with its constitutively expressed dosely related isoform C4, provides a model to address the question of which minimal alteration in DNA can shut off the expression ofa gene in a manner reversible by testosterone or by trans-acting mutations. Previous work indicated that sequences located at -1.9, -0.45, and -0.25 kb from the transcription start site of the C4-Slp gene played a critical role in determining its unusual functional divergence from C4. Now, using quantitatively and qualitatively controlied transfection assays in HepG2 human hepatoma cells and mouse L fibroblasts, we have observed that the C4-Slp promoter is fufy effective and unhindered by upstream sequences and that the C4 promoter has a consistent albeit modest superiority. The determinant ofthis nearly 2-fold difference does not coincide with the sites highlighted in previous studies but lies within the most cap-site-proximal nucleotides, at positions -189 to +48. We have also established conditions for cell-free transcription of C4 and C4-Slp from plasmid and cosmid templates by using nuclear extracts from rat and mouse liver of both sexes as well as from L cells. At variance with the rat a2.-globulin gene, C4-Slp transcription in vitro does not require male factors, for it is expressed as efficiently as C4 by all nuclear extracts. Further, the minimal promoter sequences required to direct accurate initiation extend not farther than the most proximal 19 nucleotides. Because L cells efficiently express transfected cosmids covering the whole C4 gene or C4/C4-Slp recombinants, as well as plasmids carrying the C4-Slp promoter, but fail to express the full C4-Slp gene, we favor a model in which the expression of the gene is modulated intragenically. Sex-limited protein (Slp) is an isoform of the mouse complement component C4 (1). Both are serum proteins encoded in the S region of the H-2 complex by two tandemly organized genes (2) that have played a major role in charting out the genetic structure ofthe major histocompatibility complex (3). Although endowed with some biological activity (4-6), Slp is defective as a complement component (7-9). Undetectable in the serum of several inbred strains, in other strains Slp is normally found only in males and in varying levels correlated either with allelic changes (10) or with non-H-2 regulatory genes (11). Furthermore, the rule of male-restricted expression is violated either by pseudoalleles (e.g., in the haplotypes H-2w7, H-2Wl6, and H-2W17; ref. 12) or by trans-acting regulatory genes designated rsl, such as are found in strains FM, PL/J, and NZB (13). These "androgens-replacing" non-H-2 genes have not been identified (3), whereas the H-2-dependent constitutive expression of C4-Slp was found to correlate with a locus amplification (14) brought about by extra gene copies akin to C4-Slp (15, 16). In fact, these C4-Slp-like genes turned out to The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. be multiple intragenic recombinants comprising a 5' region derived from C4 and a longer 3' side from C4-Slp (9, 17-19, 40). The unexpected observation that C4 and C4-Slp have about95% sequence identity fueled the evolutionary model of independent duplications of the C4 gene in several mammalian lineages (5, 14) and rekindled interest in the mouse system. The sequences of the two nearly 15-kb-long genes have been recently completed (9, 20) and functional assays have been carried out in two laboratories to identify regions of divergence upstream of the two genes. One group described a negative regulatory element 300-450 bp upstream of the transcription start site of both C4 and C4-Slp that depressed the ability of the promoter to direct chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene transcription in HepG2 liver cells (21) and could be overcome by further upstream sequences from C4 but not from C4-Slp. A second group, driven by the observation oftwo DNase I-hypersensitive sites (at -2.0 and -2.3 kb) in liver chromatin associated with the hormonal regulation of C4-Slp (22), was led to the discovery next to C4-Slp of an ancient provirus, dubbed "imposon" (23) because it was purported to impose androgen regulation to the adjacent C4-Slp promoter (24). In stable transfectants in the G221 subline of the S116 mouse mammary carcinoma, the intact C4-Slp gene is apparently expressed constitutively and does not respond to androgens, whereas a fragment of its 5' flanking region (-2.9/+0.05 kb) encompassing the imposon responds to testosterone with about 3-fold stimulation, but only when used in the reversed orientation to drive CAT expression. Subregions smaller than a 750-bp hormoneresponsive fragment were inactive. This composite enhancer actually overrides the natural C4-Slp promoter in that transcription starts mostly from nonphysiological upstream locations. By a series of in vivo studies including endocrinological mutant and transgenic mice and surgically manipulated animals, we have recently established that (i) the hormonal induction of C4-Slp mRNA in the liver takes place in the nucleus and (ii) the action of androgens on C4-Slp is indirect and mediated by growth hormone (25). Here we report experiments showing that the promoters ofC4 and C4-Slp are comparable in strength and that the C4-Slp regions implicated in previous studies show no detectable effects. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plasmids and Cosmids. The nucleotide sequences of the 5' flanking region of C4d (BamHI fragment of 2.7 kb) and Abbreviations: CAT, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; TK, thymidine kinase. *Present address: Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Foundation ofResearch and Technology, P.O. Box 1527, Heraklion 71110 Crete, Greece. tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed.