Asymptotic stability of spatial homogeneity in a haptotaxis model for oncolytic virotherapy
Youshan Tao,Michael Winkler
Abstract:This study considers a model for oncolytic virotherapy, as given by the reaction-diffusion-taxis system {u(t) - Delta u - del(u del v) - rho uz, v(t) = -(u + w)v, w(t) = D-w Delta w - w + uz, z(t) = D-z Delta z - z - uz + beta w, in a smoothly bounded domain Omega subset of R-2, with parameters D-w > 0, D-z > 0, beta > 0 and rho >= 0. Previous analysis has asserted that for all reasonably regular initial data, an associated no-flux type initial-boundary value problem admits a global classical solution, and that this solution is bounded if beta < 1, whereas whenever beta > 1 and (1/vertical bar Omega vertical bar) integral(Omega) u(., 0) > 1/(beta-1), infinite-time blow-up occurs at least in the particular case when rho = 0. In order to provide an appropriate complement to this, the current study reveals that for any rho >= 0 and arbitrary beta > 0, at each prescribexl level gamma is an element of (0,1/(beta - 1)+) one can identify an L-infinity-neighbourhood of the homogeneous distribution (u, v, w, z) (gamma, 0, 0, 0) within which all initial data lead to globally bounded solutions that stabilize towards the constant equilibrium (u(infinity), 0 ,0, 0, 0) with some u(infinity) > 0.