Application of soil erosion models for soil and water conservation
Yun XIE,Tianyu YUE
Abstract:[Background] Soil erosion models,achievements of theoretical researches on soil erosion,have already been studied for nearly 80 years,and have become more and more important in soil conservation.Although in China,both monitoring and model researching have started almost simultaneously with the United States,the gap has widened.To review and summarize the researching and application history of soil erosion models are of great significance for the researches of soil erosion models in China.[Methods] This paper reviewed the development of USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation),Chinese empirical models such as CSLE (Chinese Soil Loss Equation),some physically-based models such as WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project),EUROSEM (European Soil Erosion Model),and also several representative application models such as EPIC (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator),CREAMS (Chemicals,Runoff,and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems).It also introduced s application cases and from which enlightenment were given.Furthermore,it put forward points or issues in the application of USLE in China,and compared different models in their application and their merit and demerit.[Results] As for USLE,runoff plot monitoring plays a vital role in the model's building.For the factors affecting erosion have interaction between each other,it's critical to choose independent index in the models for calculating soil loss.The parameters in USLE must be calibrated before applying to other countries.USLE uses US Units,to which the great attentions should be drawn.The unit plot is not the standard for plot construction,but the tool to calculate the soil erodibility,steepness and slope length factors.When building steepness or slope length models,the researched plots must be built as the same size as the unit plot,which has the steepness of 9%,and the slope length of 22.13 m,or the results cannot be compared to others.As for the physically-based models,they are still under research and have not been applied widely.The application models are mainly for the effect caused by soil erosion of the loss of productivity on-site,and the pollution and sedimentation downstream off-site.They are usually based on the empirical or physically-based soil erosion models mentioned above.[Conclusions] Soil erosion models have been successfully applied in regional soil erosion survey as well as the assessment of effects of soil conservation practices,and will continue to play a more significant role in ecological and environmental monitoring and assessment,including designing and planning of soil conservation practices,predicting sediment delivery and non-point source pollution,evaluating the effects of soil conservation practices on heavy rainstorm events or major projects.Long-term high quality monitoring and experiment are the foundation of building soil erosion model.The top level design and building the user-oriented model are the premises of application of soil erosion model.Multidisciplinary cooperation,long-term adherence and constantly updating with new technology and researches,are also necessary for maintaining vitality of the models.