New Virus of Eggplant Mosaic Disease in Shenyang

Zhendong Wang,Fang Dechun,Yule Liu,Bin Tian
Abstract:n identification of a mosaic virtis disease of eggplant which occurs in Shenyang was carried outduring 1991 and 1992.The isolate can be transmitted to some plants by mechanical inoculation,butcannot be transniitted by peach aphid(Myzus pericicae Sulzer,Phopalosiphum pseudobrassicae).Host ranse tbets were made on 16 species,but cannot infect Cucumis sativus,Cucurbita pepo and Vicai faba.In eggplant sap,their proporties were thermal inactivation point (TIP)between 90~95℃,dilution and point(DEP)between 10-6~10-7,longevity of leaf extract at room temperature (>25℃ )between one-several montlis.As electron microscopic observation by dip method reveals the particle of the virus as rod-shapedmeasuring±300×18nm,cystalline inclusions were found in cytoplasma of leaf tissue of infectedpeanut by microscope.The isolate could react with the antiserum of TMV by agar gel double diffusion test.Especially,spesific nucleic acid frasment(±200bp)was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction(PCR).According to these characteristic
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