Graphene-based Molecule Sensor based on Conformational Change of an Aptamer
Ke Xu,Jun Qian,M. Stroscio
Abstract:The novel electronic properties of graphene have led to massive research into possible application of this material in a variety of devices. A graphene-based biomolecular sensor is fabricated for the purpose of detecting cocaine molecules. To understand the mechanisms of the device operation, underlying theories and principles are studied and a modified charge sheet capacitance model is proposed based on the unique electronic structure inside the device. Methylene blue is a heterocyclic aromatic molecule that functions as an electron donor in the structure. The graphene used in fabricating the FET-like sensor is oxidation-reduction synthesized and exhibits p-type semiconductor behavior under ambient condition. Electron trapping on the graphene surface induces voltage shift that is observed and well explained by the charge sheet capacitance model. Cite this work as: Ke Xu, Jun Qian, and Michael Stroscio, "Graphene-based Molecule Sensor based on Conformational Change of an Aptamer," TSEST Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Systems, Vol. 3(8), Pp. 42-46, Sep., 2013. References: [1] K. Novoselov, A. Geim, S. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. Dubonos, I. Grigorieva, and A. Firsov, “Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films”, Science , vol. 306, p. 666, 2004. [2] N. Staley, H. Wang, C. Puls, J. Forster, T. Jackson, K. McCarthy, B. Clouser, and Y. Liu, “Lithography-free fabrication of graphene devices,” Applied Physics Letters , vol. 90, p. 143518, 2007. [3] K. Xu, D. Erricolo, M. Dutta, and M. Stroscio, “Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of PMMA/graphite nanoplatelet ensembles,” Superlattices and Microstructures , vol. 51, p. 606, 2012. [4] A. Castro Neto, F. Guinea, N. Peres, K. Novoselov, and A. 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