Implementation Science and Child Maltreatment
E. Proctor
Child Maltreatment
Abstract:This issue’s articles persuasively make the case for evidence-based practices in the child welfare system. The quality of care across the social services is substandard, and perilously so in publicly funded settings, such as those that serve child maltreatment. As few as 10% of all publicly funded child-serving agencies offer evidence-based care (Hoagwood & Olin, 2002). In the words of the Institute of Medicine, the care that could be is rarely the care that is (Institute of Medicine, 2001). The reasons are myriad and complex. The child welfare field confronts some of society’s most serious family and socioeconomic problems but is perpetually and seriously underfunded. Providers are overworked, unsupported, and beleaguered. The status quo is often accepted with ‘‘resigned frustration and a sense that change is too hard strategically, too sensitive culturally, and too intransigent on an individual level’’ (Bammer, 2003, p. 30). When offering any care is a stretch, high-quality care may seem an unattainable goal. Yet, the child welfare system is arguably well positioned to deliver evidence-based care. Thanks to two decades of research, the supply of evidence-based programs is substantial, and several protocolized practices are endorsed by clearing houses, policy and advocacy groups, and various levels of government. Moreover, from a public health perspective, this system has massive ‘‘reach,’’ serving about 700,000 children annually (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2011). It is universally available in some form, although what is meant by the system varies widely between and often within states. This special issue of Child Maltreatment directly confronts one of the most important challenges of our time: How can we insure that vulnerable children and their families receive effective care? Each article reports new research, and collectively they delve into the very questions confronting administrators, payers, advocates, and frontline providers: What treatments work? How much will implementing new treatments help? How will providers react to manualized treatments and monitoring of their care? And how can we implement and sustain empirically supported services at sufficient scale sufficient to improve the safety and wellbeing of our nation’s children and families? From a research perspective, these articles reflect significant strides in the implementation science within child welfare by (1) emphasizing external validity, (2) informing the role of context on implementation success, (3) advancing knowledge about implementation strategies, especially strategies involving provider education, (4) addressing implementation outcomes, notably fidelity, adoption, and sustainability, and (5) demonstrating methodological innovations.