Study on Stability in Probability of General Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems
Tianliang Zhang,Feiqi Deng,Weihai Zhang
Science China Information Sciences
Abstract:Dear editor, It is well-known that the stability should first be considered in system analysis and synthesis.Since Lyapunov first initiated his stability theory regarding ordinary differential equations (ODEs)in 1892,Lyapunov's stability theory has been an important research topic in both mathematics and control theory.Specifically,Lyapunov's second method was soon generalized to the study of the stability of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) from ODEs [1-3].Unfortunately,to date,although deterministic difference equations have been systematically investigated,there are few systematic monographs on the stability of discrete-time stochastic difference systems corresponding to [1,2],which are regarding the stability of continuous-time It(o) systems.