Solving the Sparsity Problem in Recommendations Via Cross-Domain Item Embedding Based on Co-Clustering.
Yaqing Wang,Chunyan Feng,Caili Guo,Yunfei Chu,Jenq-Neng Hwang
Abstract:Session-based recommendations recently receive much attentions due to no available user data in many cases, e.g., users are not logged-in/tracked. Most session-based methods focus on exploring abundant historical records of anonymous users but ignoring the sparsity problem, where historical data are lacking or are insufficient for items in sessions. In fact, as users' behavior is relevant across domains, information from different domains is correlative, e.g., a user tends to watch related movies in a movie domain, after listening to some movie-themed songs in a music domain (i.e., cross-domain sessions). Therefore, we can learn a complete item description to solve the sparsity problem using complementary information from related domains. In this paper, we propose an innovative method, called Cross-Domain Item Embedding method based on Co-clustering (CDIE-C), to learn cross-domain comprehensive representations of items by collectively leveraging single-domain and cross-domain sessions within a unified framework. We first extract cluster-level correlations across domains using co-clustering and filter out noise. Then, cross-domain items and clusters are embedded into a unified space by jointly capturing item-level sequence information and cluster-level correlative information. Besides, CDIE-C enhances information exchange across domains utilizing three types of relations (i.e., item-to-context-item, item-to-context-cocluster and co-cluster-to-context-item relations). Finally, we train CDIE-C with two efficient training strategies, i.e., joint training and two-stage training. Empirical results show CDIE-C outperforms the state-of-the-art recommendation methods on three cross-domain datasets and can effectively alleviate the sparsity problem.