Earthquake frequency and moment magnitude relations for mainshocks, foreshocks and aftershocks: Theoretical b values

Motoji Ikeya,Qinghua Huang
Abstract:The Gutenberg-Richter relation, log n = a - b M, where n is the cumulative number of earthquakes greater than the magnitude, M and a and b are constants determined empirically is discussed using a mathematical model of adult and the moment magnitude, M-W. A simple power law of M-0 = k n(l) which relates the earthquake moment, M-0 and frequency, n was discussed and the meanings of constants k and l were derived. The relation of M-0 = Delta sigma (LA) using the stress drop, Delta sigma, fault length, L and area of a fault plane, A, gives M-0 = Delta sigma L-3 and M-0 = Delta sigma hL(2) for two cases of A = L-2 and A = Lh, respectively, where the depth of the brittle-ductile transition layer; h = 2 x 10(4) m and Delta sigma = 5 x 10(6) N/m(2) are assumed. The frequency-magnitude relation is obtained considering different rupture mechanisms of earthquakes. Deviation of the empirical Gutenberg-Richter relation at a large magnitude is interpreted. as the effect of the seismogenic layer in earth interior. Theoretical analysis from assumption of different rupture mechanisms indicated varied b vales for small and large events, as well as the different types of earthquakes. Mainshocks gave b of 1.0 and 0.75, respectively for small and large events. The b values of 0.75 and 0.50 for aftershocks and 0.50 and 0.375 for foreshocks were also obtained Some results from both statistic calibration of earthquake catalogue and experiments were in agreement with our predicted values.
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