Histochemical localization of acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase in the hepatopancreas, mid-kidney, gill, head kidney, spleen and heart of cultured Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther
Yize Wang,Jingfeng Sun,Junfeng Liu,Yongjun Guo,Kezhi Xing,Aijun Lv,Yiksung Yeong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16705/j.cnki.1004-1850.2017.03.005
Abstract:Objecive To investigate the distribution and histochemical localization of acid phosphatase (ACP),alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and peroxidase (POD) in the hepatopancreas,mid-kidney,gill,head kidney,spleen and heart of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther.Methods Tissue samples were taken from the hepatopancreas,mid-kidney,gill,head kidney,spleen and heart of healthy Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther,fixed and then frozen sectioned.Enzyme histochemical staining was performed on the sections,and the mean optical density (MOD) was measured for quantitative analysis.Results ACP stain was brown,mainly located in the interlobular bile duct and vein of hepatopancreas,glomerulus in renal corpuscle and tubule in interstitium of the mid-kidney,macrophages in head kidney,spleen and myocardium,while absent in the gill.The blue-purple-stained ALP was detected in the pancreatic acinus of hepatopancreas,tubule in the interstitium of mid-kidney,blood vessel and epithelial cells of gill filaments,venous wall and the ellipsoid of spleen,the adventitia and sarolemma of heart,and the blood sinus of head kidney.The dark-brown-stained POX was localized in the blood cells in the vein and hepatic sinusoid of hepatopancreas and those in the interstitium of mid-kidney,blood vessel of gill filaments,sinusoid and epithelial cells of gill lamellae,blood cells of head kidney,spleen and heart,and myocardium.ACP activity was in descending order in the heart,hepatopancreas,spleen,mid-kidney and head kidney;ALP activity was in descending order in the mid-kidney,gill,head kidney,spleen,heart and hepatopancreas;POX activity was in descending order in the spleen,head kidney,hepatopancreas,mid-kidney,gill and heart.Conclusion The distribution of ACP,ALP,and POX vary in the six types of tissues investigated,and there are significant differences in their expressions and activities.