Martingale Structure for General Thermodynamic Functionals of Diffusion Processes under Second-Order Averaging

Ge Hao,Jia Chen,Jin Xiao
Journal of Statistical Physics
Abstract:Novel hidden thermodynamic structures have recently been uncovered during theinvestigation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for multiscale stochasticprocesses. Here we reveal the martingale structure for a general thermodynamicfunctional of inhomogeneous singularly perturbed diffusion processes undersecond-order averaging, where a general thermodynamic functional is defined asthe logarithmic Radon-Nykodim derivative between the laws of the originalprocess and a comparable process (forward case) or its time reversal (backwardcase). In the forward case, we prove that the regular and anomalous parts of athermodynamic functional are orthogonal martingales. In the backward case,while the regular part may not be a martingale, we prove that the anomalouspart is still a martingale. With the aid of the martingale structure, we provethe integral fluctuation theorem satisfied by the regular and anomalous partsof a general thermodynamic functional. Further extensions and applications tostochastic thermodynamics are also discussed, including the martingalestructure and fluctuation theorems for the regular and anomalous parts ofentropy production and housekeeping heat in the absence or presence of oddvariables.
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