Qiongxin Wang,Mohamed Ameen Ismahil,Yujie Zhu,Gregg Rokosh,Tariq Hamid,Guihua Zhou,Steven M. Pogwizd,Sumanth D. Prabhu
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Cardiac CD206+ macrophages expand acutely after myocardial infarction (MI) to promote wound healing; however, their role in chronic heart failure (HF) is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that cardiac CD206+ macrophages expressing interleukin(IL)-4Ralpha are key drivers of adverse left ventricular (LV) remodeling in HF.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Adult male C57BL/6 mice underwent non-reperfused MI to induce HF, or sham operation, and cardiac macrophages were profiled using flow cytometry. As compared to sham, CD206+ macrophages steadily expanded in post-MI hearts during LV remodeling, such that at 8 w post-MI they comprised ~85% of all macrophages. These macrophages were robustly proliferative and predominantly C-C motif chemokine receptor (CCR2)− and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)IIhi, with >90% of CD206+CCR2− macrophages expressing the resident macrophage marker LYVE-1. CD206+ macrophage abundance correlated with LV dysfunction and fibrosis. Nearly half of CD206+ macrophages expressed IL-4Ralpha, and the majority of CD206+IL-4Ralpha+ macrophages co-expressed the pro-fibrotic protein found in inflammatory zone (FIZZ)1. IL-4-polarized bone marrow derived CD206+ macrophages also exhibited marked upregulation of FIZZ1 and induced FIZZ1-dependent myofibroblast differentiation of cardiac mesenchymal stem cells (cMSCs), in part related to DLL-4/Jagged1-Notch1 signaling. Intramyocardial adoptive transfer of M[IL-4], but not M[IL-10], CD206+ macrophages to naive mice, induced progressive LV remodeling over 4 weeks, increasing fibrosis, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and apoptosis. Myeloid-specific IL-4Ralpha gene deletion in established HF (initiated 4 w post-MI) in IL-4Ralphaf/fLysM-CreERT2 mice significantly reduced CD206+ macrophage proliferation and effectively depleted CD206+IL-4Ralpha+ cardiac macrophages. This was associated with abrogation of LV remodeling progression, reduction of cardiac fibrosis, and improved neovascularization. In vivo IL-4Ralpha gene silencing in mice with established HF effectively depleted cardiac CD206+IL-4Ralpha+ macrophages and reversed LV remodeling, improving fibrosis, neovascularization, and dysfunction, and suppressed both local and systemic inflammation. Lastly, alternatively activated CD206+ and CD163+ macrophages were significantly expanded in human failing hearts and correlated with fibrosis. The majority of CD163+ macrophages expressed IL-4Ralpha and FIZZ3, the human homolog of FIZZ1.
CONCLUSION: Cardiac CD206+IL-4Ralpha+ macrophages proliferate and expand in HF and are key mediators of pathological remodeling and fibrosis, in part through the secretion of FIZZ1. Inhibition of CD206+ macrophage IL-4Ralpha signaling alleviates LV remodeling in ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Cardiovascular Medicine