Strong Pairing in Two Dimensions: Pseudogaps, Domes, and Other Implications

Xiaoyu Wang,Qijin Chen,K. Levin
Abstract:This paper addresses the transition from the normal to the superfluid statein strongly correlated two dimensional fermionic superconductors and Fermigases. We arrive at the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) temperatureT_BKT as a function of attractive pairing strength byassociating it with the onset of "quasi-condensation" in the normal phase. Ourapproach builds on a criterion for determining the BKT transition temperaturefor atomic gases which is based on a well established Quantum Monte Carloanalysis of the phase space density. This latter quantity, when derived fromBCS-BEC crossover theory for fermions, leads to non-monotonic behavior forT_BKT as a function of the attractive interaction or inversescattering length. In Fermi gases, this implies a robust superconducting domefollowed by a long tail from the flat BEC asymptote, rather similar to what isobserved experimentally. For lattice systems we find that T_BKT hasan absolute maximum of the order of 0.1 E_F. We discuss how our resultscompare with those derived from the Nelson Kosterlitz criterion based on themean field superfluid density and the approach to the transition from below.While there is agreement in the strict mean-field BCS regime at weak coupling,we find that at moderate pairing strength bosonic excitations cause asubstantial increase in T_BKT followed by an often dramatic decreasebefore the system enters the BEC regime.
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