The Influence of Availability Heuristic and Decision Frame on Risk Decision Making
Li Aimei,Tian Jie,Li Lianqi
Abstract:Availability Heuristic(AH) implies that people make decision on the basis of the heuristics of availability.Kahneman (1973) indicated that availability is a useful clue for assessing frequency or probability,but it is affected by factors other than frequency and probability.He demonstrated that imaginability plays an important role in the evaluation of probabilities in real life situations.The risk involved in an adventurous expedition,for example,is evaluated by imagining contingencies with which the expedition is not equipped to cope.If many such difficulties are vividly portrayed,the expedition can be made to appear exceedingly dangerous,although the ease with which disasters are imagined need not reflect their actual likelihood.Conversely,the risk involved in an undertaking may be grossly underestimated if some possible dangers are either difficult to conceive of,or simply do not come to mind.Schwarz and Vaughn(2002) indicated that the ease of retrievability from the memory can easily induce the availability heuristic in consumer decision making.Gigerenzer etc.(2002) found that availability has repeatedly been invoked to explain various phenomena for instance,why the purchase of earthquake insurance rises after a quake,why personal experience distorts crime risk perception,or more generally why "people disproportionately weigh salient,memorable,or vivid evidence even when they have better sources of information". Till recently,most of the studies about availability heuristic and risky decision making have focused on the influence of availability heuristic on the outcome of decision - making,but rarely consider the influences of availability heuristic on the cognitive process of decision - making.This paper investigated the influence of availability heuristic on the cognitive processes of risk decision making,and the characteristics of decision makers' risk investment behavior under the interaction between availability heuristic and decision frame. Undergraduate students of Jinan University,69 males and 64 females,participated in the investigation. The experiment materials were AH situational questionnaire for inducement,problem space questionnaire,and risky decision-making questionnaire.A 2×2×7 three-factor combined experiment design was applied. We found(1) Different results of the "availability heuristic" to different ways of information processing in risk decision making. The availability heuristic based on successful outcomes made people use a bottom-up processing way to process the decision problems, and the availability heuristic based on frustrated outcomes induced a top-down processing way;(2) the availability heuristic based on successful outcomes induced risk-trend,while the availability heuristic based on frustrated outcomes to risk-avoiding(3) the availability heuristic and decision frame had interaction on the tendency of risk decision making. Conclusion:As a decision heuristic,availability not only influences on outcome of decision making but also on the cognitive process of decision - making.Furthermore,availability heuristic and decision frame have interaction effect in risk decision making.