Automated Generation of Event-Oriented Exploits in Android Hybrid Apps
Guangliang Yang,Jeff Huang,Guofei Gu
Abstract:Recently more and more Android apps integrate the embedded browser, known as “WebView”, to render web pages and run JavaScript code without leaving these apps. WebView provides a powerful feature that allows event handlers defined in the native context (i.e., Java in Android) to handle web events that occur in WebView. However, as shown in prior work, this feature suffers from remote attacks, which we generalize as EventOriented Exploit (EOE) in this paper, such that adversaries may remotely access local critical functionalities through event handlers in WebView without any permission or authentication. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, EOEDroid, which can automatically vet event handlers in a given hybrid app using selective symbolic execution and static analysis. If a vulnerability is found, EOEDroid also automatically generates exploit code to help developers and analysts verify the vulnerability. To support exploit code generation, we also systematically study web events, event handlers and their trigger constraints. We evaluated our approach on 3,652 most popular apps. The result showed that our approach found 97 total vulnerabilities in 58 apps, including 2 cross-frame DOM manipulation, 53 phishing, 30 sensitive information leakage, 1 local resources access, and 11 Intent abuse vulnerabilities. We also found a potential backdoor in a high profile app that could be used to steal users’ sensitive information, such as IMEI. Even though developers attempted to close it, EOEDroid found that adversaries were still able to exploit it by triggering two events together and feeding event handlers with well designed input.