An Effective Pull-based Congestion Control Protocol for Multi-Identifier Network
Bin Yin,Hui Li,He Bai,Zhengqi Wu,Ping Lu,Qiongwei Ye,Yong Yang,Jianping Wu
Abstract:With the rapid development of the network, the IP network have exposed many issues, such as the exhausted IP addresses, security risks and inapplicability to the streaming media. To solve these issues, Multi-Identifier Network (MIN) is proposed as a novel network architecture with excellent features. In the MIN architecture, content can be retrieved from multiple sources and multiple paths. To fit the nature of MIN, congestion control protocols should consider the impact of in-network caching, multi-path forwarding. In this paper, we propose a practical congestion control protocol, which detects congestion based on CoDel algorithm and then notices consumers by explicitly marking data packets, so that consumers can adjust their interest sending rate. Meanwhile, it employs a caching strategy based on content popularity to reduce interest retransmission rate. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves a higher total throughput than existing work.