Sentimental Direction Analysis: A Framework for Chinese Sentiment Computation and Resource Construction
Bin Li,Jiajun Chen,Xiaohe Chen,Xuri Tang,Weiguang Qu
Abstract:People always use sentimental statement to express their opinions and attitudes. With the growing amount of opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and blogs, there’s urgent need to extract the opinions of the mass for political and economic purposes. However, the automatic extraction has met a bottleneck that there is always more than one opinion/attitude in a text or in a sentence. Thus, the mainstream research is restricted to “one-attitude per sentence/text classification” as positive, negative, both or neutral, which causes many problems. Some researches try to figure out the holder and the object of the attitude without giving explicit definition of sentiment. This paper introduces a novel framework for multi-attitude sentiment computation by using a trigram called “Sentimental Direction” which is able to describe the special distinction in Chinese sentiment words. In Chinese, some words express the attitude of the “speaker” towards “agent/patient”, some express the attitude of the “agent” to “patient”, and some express both the 2 kinds. The framework can be applied for the detection of holders, objects and can deal with multi-attitude sentiments. After manually analyzing a lexicon of over 900 Chinese words, this paper specifies the sentimental direction’s relationship with valence and the polarity of a word, and then put forward a bottom-up method for sentiment composition in sentences and documents. Finally, a semi-automatic method for the construction of sentiment lexicon is designed within the proposed framework.