Results of CUORE

Dell'Oro S.,Adams D. Q.,Alduino C.,Alfonso K.,Avignone III F. T.,Azzolini O.,Bari G.,Bellini F.,Benato G.,Biassoni M.,Branca A.,Brofferio C.,Bucci C.,Caminata A.,Campani A.,Canonica L.,Cao X. G.,Capelli S.,Cappelli L.,Cardani L.,Carniti P.,Casali N.,Chiesa D.,Chott N.,Clemenza M.,Copello S.,Cosmelli C.,Cremonesi O.,Creswick R. J.,Cushman J. S.,D'Addabbo A.,D'Aguanno D.,Dafinei I.,Davis C. J.,Di Domizio S.,Dompè V.,Drobizhev A.,Fang D. Q.,Fantini G.,Faverzani M.,Ferri E.,Ferroni F.,Fiorini E.,Franceschi M. A.,Freedman S. J.,Fujikawa B. K.,Giachero A.,Gironi L.,Giuliani A.,Gorla P.,Gotti C.,Gutierrez T. D.,Han K.,Heeger K. M.,Huang R. G.,Huang H. Z.,Johnston J.,Keppel G.,Kolomensky Yu. G.,Leder A.,Ligi C.,Ma Y. G.,Ma L.,Marini L.,Maruyama R. H.,Mei Y.,Moggi N.,Morganti S.,Napolitano T.,Nastasi M.,Nones C.,Norman E. B.,Novati V.,Nucciotti A.,Nutini I.,O'Donnell T.,Ouellet J. L.,Pagliarone C. E.,Pagnanini L.,Pallavicini M.,Pattavina L.,Pavan M.,Pessina G.,Pettinacci V.,Pira C.,Pirro S.,Pozzi S.,Previtali E.,Puiu A.,Rosenfeld C.,Rusconi C.,Sakai M.,Sangiorgio S.,Schmidt B.,Scielzo N. D.,Singh V.,Sisti M.,Speller D.,Taffarello L.,Terranova F.,Tomei C.,Vignati M.,Wagaarachchi S. L.,Wang B. S.,Welliver B.,Wilson J.,Wilson K.,Winslow L. A.,Wise T.,Zanotti L.,Zimmermann S.,Zucchelli S.
Abstract: The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, is the world's largest bolometric experiment. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals, for a total mass of 742 kg. CUORE is presently in data taking, searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 130 Te. CUORE is operational since the spring of 2017. The initial science run already allowed to provide the most stringent limit on the neutrinoless double beta decay half-life of 130Te, and to perform the most precise measurement of the two-neutrino double beta decay half-life. Up to date, we have more than doubled the collected exposure. In this talk, we presenteded the most recent results and discuss the present status of the CUORE experiment.
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