CRF-based Single-stage Acoustic Modeling with CTC Topology.

Hongyu Xiang,Zhijian Ou
Abstract:In this paper, we develop conditional random field (CRF) based single-stage (SS) acoustic modeling with connectionist temporal classification (CTC) inspired state topology, which is called CTC-CRF for short. CTC-CRF is conceptually simple, which basically implements a CRF layer on top of features generated by the bottom neural network with the special state topology. Like SS-LFMMI (lattice-free maximum-mutual-information), CTC-CRFs can be trained from scratch (flat-start), eliminating GMM-HMM pre training and tree-building. Evaluation experiments are conducted on the WSJ, Switchboard and Librispeech datasets. In a head-to head comparison, the CTC-CRF model using simple Bidirectional LSTMs consistently outperforms the strong SS-LF-MMI, across all the three benchmarking datasets and in both cases of mono-phones and mono-chars. Additionally, CTC-CRFs avoid some ad-hoc operation in SS-LF-MMI.
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