Editorial: Cyber‐Physical Systems in Smart Grids: Security Andoperation
Qinglai Guo,Ian A. Hiskens,Dong Jin,Wencong Su,Lin Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-cps.2017.0133
Abstract:Smart grid is considered as a typical cyber-physical system (CPS) with a combination of the physical power systems and the cyber systems including sensing, monitoring, communication, computation and control. The interdependence and interplay of the cyber part and the physical part could probably introduce new risks to the energy system operation. A cyber disturbance, either a malicious data attack or an accidental component failure, may lead to serious consequences to the smart grid security and performance. Therefore, it is a new challenge to investigate methodologies of modeling, analysing, evaluating and optimising the heterogeneous system which integrates cyber and energy infrastructure as a whole. This Special Issue aims to provide a better understanding of the emerging problems in smart grid from the CPS perspective. Six papers are finally selected. Yanli Liu et al. propose a risk assessment approach for the cascading failure of electric cyber physical system considering multiple information factors. S. Armina Foroutan et al. discuss how to detect false data injection attacks against state estimation, and propose a mixture Gaussian distribution learning method. Lv Chen et al. focus on cyber physical system co-simulation and propose a multi-resolution modeling approach based on time-state-machine method. Charalambos Konstantinou et al. analyse the GPS spoofing effect on phase angle monitoring and control based on an RTDS-based hardware-in-the-loop environment. Shamina Hossain-McKenzie et al. propose an analytic corrective control selection method to implement fast, automated remedial action schemes, which could consider cyber-attack contingencies. Muharrem Ayar et al. designed a cyber-physical robust control framework for enhancing transient stability of smart grids. Qinglai Guo (B.Sc. ‘00, Ph.D. ‘05, both from TsinghuaUniversity, China) is currently an Associate Professor in Department ofElectrical Engineering, Tsinghua University. His research interestsinclude Energy Management System, Voltage Stability and Control, andCyber-Physical Systems. He is an IEEE senior member, and the co-chair ofIEEE Work Group on Energy Internet and IEEE Task force on voltagecontrol for smart grid. He is now an editorial member of IEEETransactions on Smart Grid, IET Cyber-PhysicalSystems: Theory & Applications, and IETRenewable Power Generation. One paper he supervised wasawarded as 2016 IEEE PES Student Prize Paper. His two papers wereselected as best conference papers of IEEE PES General Meeting. He hasbeen awarded 1 national award and 9 provincial awards for his researchcontribution. In 2015, He was awarded the National Science Fund of Chinafor Excellent Young Scholars. Ian A. Hiskens is the Vennema Professor of Engineering in theDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University ofMichigan, USA. He has held prior appointments in the Queenslandelectricity supply industry, and various universities in Australia andthe United States. His research interests lie at the intersection ofpower system analysis and systems theory, with recent activity focusedlargely on integration of renewable generation and controllable loads.Dr. Hiskens is actively involved in various IEEE societies, and hasserved as VP-Finance of the IEEE Systems Council. He is a Fellow ofIEEE, a Fellow of Engineers Australia and a Chartered ProfessionalEngineer in Australia. Dong (Kevin) Jin is an Assistant Professor in the ComputerScience Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. Heobtained his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2013. His researchinterests include trustworthy power-grid critical infrastructures, modeling and simulation of large-scale systems, software-definednetworking, and cyber-security. He is a recipient of the Air ForceOffice of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Program (YIP)award. He also received the best paper awards at the ACM SIGSIMConference on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS)in 2012 and 2015. Wencong Su is an Assistant Professor in the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering at the University ofMichigan-Dearborn, USA. His current research interests include power andenergy systems, energy internet, electrified transportation systems, automated and connected vehicles, and cyber-physical systems. He workedas a Research Aide at Argonne National Laboratory, USA, in 2012. He alsoworked as a R&D engineer intern at ABB U.S. Corporate ResearchCenter, USA, in 2009. Dr. Wencong Su received his B.Sc. degree (withdistinction) from Clarkson University, USA, in 2008, his M.Sc. degreefrom Virginia Tech, USA in 2009, and his Ph.D. degree from NorthCarolina State University, USA in 2013. All were in electrical andcomputer engineering. Lin Zhang (B.Sc. ‘98, M.Sc. ‘01, Ph.D. ‘06, all from TsinghuaUniversity, China) is currently a Professor at Tsinghua University. Hiscurrent research focuses on sensor networks, data and knowledge mining, and information theory. He is a co-author of more than 60 peer-reviewedtechnical papers and five U.S. or Chinese patents applications. Lin andhis team were also the winner of IEEE/ACM SenSys 2010/IPSN 2014 BestDemo Awards. In 2010, he received Excellent Teaching Awards fromTsinghua University.