The canonical representation of the Drinfeld curve
Lucas Laurent,Bernhard Köck
Mathematische Nachrichten
Abstract:If C is a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field F and G is a group of automorphisms of C , the canonical representation of C is given by the induced F ‐linear action of G on the vector space H0C,ΩC of holomorphic differentials on C . Computing it is still an open problem in general when the cover C→C/G is wildly ramified. In this paper, we fix a prime power q , we consider the Drinfeld curve, that is, the curve C given by the equation XYq−XqY−Zq+1=0 over F=Fq ̄ together with its standard action by G=SL2Fq , and decompose H0C,ΩC as a direct sum of indecomposable representations of G , thus solving the aforementioned problem in this case.