Observation of quantum effects on radiation reaction in strong fields
E. E. Los,E. Gerstmayr,C. Arran,M. J. V. Streeter,C. Colgan,C. C. Cobo,B. Kettle,T. G. Blackburn,N. Bourgeois,L. Calvin,J. Carderelli,N. Cavanagh,S.J.D. Dann A. Di Piazza,R. Fitzgarrald,A. Ilderton,C. H. Keitel,M. Marklund,P. McKenna,C. D. Murphy,Z. Najmudin,P. Parsons,P. P. Rajeev,D. R. Symes,M. Tamburini,A. G. R. Thomas,J. C. Wood,M. Zepf,G. Sarri,C. P. Ridgers,S. P. D Mangles
Abstract:Radiation reaction describes the effective force experienced by an accelerated charge due to radiation emission. Quantum effects dominate charge dynamics and radiation production[1][2] for charges accelerated by fields with strengths approaching the Schwinger field, $\mathbf{E_{sch}=}$\textbf{\SI[detect-weight]{1.3e18}{\volt\per\metre}[3]. Such fields exist in extreme astrophysical environments such as pulsar magnetospheres[4], may be accessed by high-power laser systems[5-7], dense particle beams interacting with plasma[8], crystals[9], and at the interaction point of next generation particle colliders[10]. Classical radiation reaction theories do not limit the frequency of radiation emitted by accelerating charges and omit stochastic effects inherent in photon emission[11], thus demanding a quantum treatment. Two quantum radiation reaction models, the quantum-continuous[12] and quantum-stochastic[13] models, correct the former issue, while only the quantum-stochastic model incorporates stochasticity[12]. Such models are of fundamental importance, providing insight into the effect of the electron self-force on its dynamics in electromagnetic fields. The difficulty of accessing conditions where quantum effects dominate inhibited previous efforts to observe quantum radiation reaction in charged particle dynamics with high significance. We report the first direct, high significance $(>5{\sigma})$ observation of strong-field radiation reaction on charged particles. Furthermore, we obtain strong evidence favouring the quantum radiation reaction models, which perform equivalently, over the classical model. Robust model comparison was facilitated by a novel Bayesian framework which inferred collision parameters. This framework has widespread utility for experiments where parameters governing lepton-laser collisions cannot be directly measured, including those using conventional accelerators.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Plasma Physics