Global Solutions Near Homogeneous Steady States in a Fully Cross-Diffusive Predator–prey System with Density-Dependent Motion
Zhoumeng Xie,Yuxiang Li
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Abstract:This paper investigates a fully cross-diffusive predator–prey system with density-dependent motion ⋆ {[ u_t = ∇ (ϕ _1(v)∇ u-χ _1(v)u∇ v)+μ _1 u(λ _1-u+a_1 v) ,; v_t = ∇ (ϕ _2(u)∇ v+χ _2(u)v∇ u)+μ _2 v(λ _2-v-a_2 u) ]. in a bounded domain Ω⊂ℝ^n, n∈{1,2,3} with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, where μ _1,μ _2≥ 0 , λ _1,λ _2,a_1,a_2>0 , and the functions ϕ _1(v),ϕ _2(u),χ _1(v),χ _2(u) satisfy the following assumptions: ϕ _1, ϕ _2, χ _1, χ _2∈ C^3([0,∞ )) , ϕ _1, ϕ _2>0 and χ _1, χ _2≥ 0 in [0,∞ ) . We prove that there exists ε _0>0 such that if u_0,v_0∈ W^2,2(Ω ) are nonnegative with ∂ _νu_0=∂ _νv_0=0 in the sense of traces and u_0-u_⋆ _W^2,2(Ω )+ v_0-v_⋆ _W^2,2(Ω )<ε _0 , then there exists a global classical solution ( u , v ) of ( ⋆ ) converging to constant stable steady state (u_⋆, v_⋆ ) in W^2,2(Ω ) , where ( u_⋆, v_⋆) =( 1/|Ω |∫ _Ω u, 1/|Ω |∫ _Ω v) for μ _1=μ _2=0 , ( u_⋆, v_⋆) =( λ _1+λ _2 a_1/1+a_1 a_2, λ _2-λ _1 a_2/1+a_1 a_2) for μ _1,μ _2>0 and λ _2>λ _1 a_2 , ( u_⋆, v_⋆) =( λ _1, 0) for μ _1,μ _2>0 and λ _2 ≤λ _1 a_2 . Moreover, the convergence rate is exponential, except for the case λ _2 = λ _1a_2 , where it is only algebraical.