Formation Flying on Elliptic Orbits by Hamiltonian Structure-Preserving Control
Ming Xu,Yuying Liang
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Abstract:No AccessEngineering NoteFormation Flying on Elliptic Orbits by Hamiltonian Structure-Preserving ControlMing Xu and Yuying LiangMing XuBeihang University, 100191 Beijing, People's Republic of China and Yuying LiangBeihang University, 100191 Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaPublished Online:26 Oct 2017 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Kirschner M., Montenbruck O. and Bettadpur S., "Flight Dynamics Aspects of the Grace Formation Flying," International Symposium on Spaceflight Dynamics, 2001. 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All rights reserved. All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC at; employ the ISSN 0731-5090 (print) or 1533-3884 (online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions TopicsAircraft OperationsAircraft Operations and TechnologyAstronomyCelestial MechanicsKepler's Laws of Planetary MotionPlanetary Science and ExplorationPlanetsSatellite Design, Integration, and TestSatellite TechnologySpace AgenciesSpace Science and Technology KeywordsFormation FlyingFuel ConsumptionOrbital ElementsSatellite Formation FlyingOrbital EccentricityEarth Centered InertialEarthFeedback Control SystemSpacecraft Formation FlyingLow Thrust PropulsionAcknowledgmentsThe research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11772024 and 11432001) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. The authors thank George Knox, Ramily Santos, and the reviewers for their suggestions to improve this Note.PDF Received4 April 2016Accepted18 September 2017Published online26 October 2017