Cross Section Measurement for the 14 N( N , Α 0,1 ) 11 B Reactions in the 4.5–11.5 MeV Neutron Energy Region
Yiwei Hu,Yu. M. Gledenov,Zengqi Cui,Jie Liu,Haofan Bai,Cong Xia,Zhenpeng Chen,Zepeng Wu,Wenkai Ren,Wentian Cao,Tieshuan Fan,Guohui Zhang,E. Sansarbayar,G. Khuukhenkhuu,L. Krupa,I. Chuprakov,Qiwen Fan,Xichao Ruan,Hanxiong Huang,Jie Ren,Yuan Gao,Xiangjun Yang
Abstract:With more accurate measurement method for gas samples, cross sections of the 14 N( n , α 0,1 ) 11 B reactions were measured at 24 energy points in the 4.5–11.5 MeV neutron energy region based on the 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at Peking University and the HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The average neutron fluence (Φ) through the gas sample was obtained through the combination of a highly enriched 238 U 3 O 8 sample and the simulation based on SuperMC. The cross sections of the 14 N( n , α 0 ) 11 B reaction measured using the gas sample and the solid samples are in agreement with each other. R -matrix analysis was carried out for the n + 14 N system using code RAC in the neutron energy region below 30 MeV. A possible valley structure in both the excitation functions of the 14 N( n , α 0,1 ) 11 B reactions in the 10–11 MeV neutron energy region was found for the first time.