An Adaptive Algorithm Based on Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin for Convection Dominated Equations with Random Data
Pelin Çiloğlu,Hamdullah Yücel
Abstract:In this paper, we propose an adaptive approach, based on mesh refinement or parametric enrichment with polynomial degree adaption, for numerical solution of convection dominated equations with random input data. A parametric system emerged from an application of stochastic Galerkin approach is discretized by using a symmetric interior penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method with upwinding for the convection term in the spatial domain. We derive a residual-based error estimator contributed by the error due to the SIPG discretization, the (generalized) polynomial chaos discretization in the stochastic space, and data oscillations. Then, the reliability of the proposed error estimator, an upper bound for the energy error up to a multiplicative constant, is shown. Moreover, to balance the errors stemmed from spatial and stochastic spaces, the truncation error coming from Karhunen--Loève expansion is also considered in the numerical simulations. Last, several benchmark examples including a random diffusivity parameter, a random velocity parameter, random diffusivity/velocity parameters, and a random (jump) discontinuous diffusivity parameter, are tested to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimator.
Numerical Analysis