Some Notes on Σ-Soluble Groups and Σ-Subnormality
Chi Zhang,Songnian Xu,Zhenfeng Wu
Communications in Algebra
Abstract:Let G be a finite group and σ={σi|i∈I} be a partition of the set of all primes P, that is, P=∪i∈Iσi and σi∩σj=∅ for all i≠j. The natural numbers n and m are called σ-coprime if σ(n)∩σ(m)=∅. The group G is said to be: σ-primary if G is a σi-group for some i∈I; σ-soluble if either G = 1 or every chief factor of G is σ-primary. A subgroup H of G is called σ-subnormal in G if there is a subgroup chain H=H0≤H1≤⋯≤Ht=G such that either Hi−1 is normal in Hi or Hi/(Hi−1)Hi is σ-primary for all i=1,…,t. In this paper, we show that G is σ-soluble provided G satisfies the following conditions: (1) G=A1A2=A1A3=A2A3, where A1, A2, A3 are all σ-soluble; (2) the three indices |G:NG(A1Nσ)|, |G:NG(A2Nσ)|, |G:NG(A3Nσ)| are pairwise σ-coprime.And we prove that if G is σ-soluble and A is a subgroup of G, then A is σ-subnormal in G if and only if |AB|σi divides |G|σi for every Hall σi-subgroup B of G and all σi∈σ(G). We also state and prove a σ-nilpotency criterion for G and a characterization of the σ-Fitting subgroup of G, which are related to this observation.