Comparative physiological and biochemical mechanisms in Di, Tri, and 1 Tetraploid Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus L.) grafted by Branches 2
O. KasebM,M. Umer,Haileslassie Gebremeskel,E. Mahmud,Weinan,Diao,Pingli Yuan,Hongju Zhu,Shengjie Zhao,Xuqiang Lu,Nan He,Chengsheng Gong,Muhammad Anees,Wenge Liu
Abstract:11 Polyploid seeds production is laborious, complicated, and costly work. Tetraploid and 12 triploid plants produce a fewer number of seeds/fruit, and triploid embryos are fairly 13 weak, covered with a more hardened seed coat as compared to diploid seeds. Here we 14 investigated the interactive effect of new grafting technique of polyploid watermelon 15 scion onto rootstock on plants' survival rate, biochemical, and hormones contents. In 16 this study, three different branches, apical meristem (AM), branch with 1 node (1N), 17 and 2 nodes (2N) from di, Tri, and tetraploid watermelon plants, were used as scion and 18 grafted onto squash rootstock. The results showed highly significant differences 19 between polypoid watermelon when 1N using as a scion, tetraploid showed maximum 20 survival rates, higher contents of hormones, and antioxidants (AOX) activities, 21 compared to diploid, these may be the possible reasons for high compatibility in 22 tetraploid and degrading the grafting zone in diploid. RTq-PCR results confirm that the 23 expression of genes linked to compatibility is consistent with the hormonal and AOX 24 activities. This study provides an alternative and economical approach to produce more 25 tetraploid and triploid plants for breeding or seeds production by using branches as 26 scions. 27 The results showed that, the starch in Tri and Tetra highly significant than di, where it at 0 DAG were and in Tri and Tetra higher than Di in the first season, while in the second season, no significant differences between polyploidy levels. Also, the contents of starch start at 15 DAG in all polyploids, but the increment rates at Tri and Tetra were more than Di 9.68, 14.09, and 16.58% at the first season in Di, Tri, and Tetra watermelon, respectively.