On mode of Production as the Research Subject of Political Economics
Wu Xuangong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-2674.2013.03.001
Abstract:One of the implications of the appearance of large-scale mode of production is relations of production.It refers to the relations of production in its broad sense,including production,exchange,division and consumption,or "aggregation of relations of production","social relation of production" and "economic relation",which was what Marx name it.It does not only refer to the relations of production in its narrow sense,which is only confined to field of production,and is parallel to relation of exchange and division.The way that combines labor and means of production together,the process of labor and mode of labor are actually components of relations of production which is based on means of production.Whether we define mode of production as mode of combination,labor process or mode of labor,we cannot prove that it is an intermediate link which is independent of relations of production,parallels to forces of labor and relations of production and which determines relations of production.We must be alert to the possible mistake of denying socialist public ownership committed by denying social relations of production as the research subject of political economics.