The Impact of Inclusive Leadership on Employees' Innovative Behaviors in Chinese Internet Technology Companies: The Mediating Role of Error Management Climate and Self-Efficacy
Hao Yuan,Yannan Li,Junyi Zheng,
Korean Academy Of Leadership
Abstract:Covid-19 represents a challenge for digital globalization and the digital transformation of economies. In particular, IT companies are more desperate for innovation than ever before. Inclusive leadership is based on the concept of "fully inclusive and Participation" attracting attention as a leader capable of inducing innovative behavior. And it can adapt to the independent needs of new generation employees. Currently, a large amount of literature studies inclusive leadership and its direct impact on employees' innovative behaviors. However, few studies have explored the internal mechanism of action between inclusive leadership and innovative behavior. This study investigates how inclusive leadership influences employees' innovative behavior through error management climate and self-efficacy. Taking error management climate and self-efficacy as intermediary variables, the author constructs a theoretical, conceptual model of the dual-path mechanism of inclusive leadership on employees' innovative behavior based on multiple mediating variables. The author conducts an online questionnaire survey of on-the-job employees of Chinese Internet technology companies and adopts SPSS21.0 and AMOS 24.0 to carry out an empirical analysis of the questionnaire survey data. The result shows that inclusive leadership has a significant positive impact on employees' innovative behavior, error management climate, and self-efficacy. Meanwhile, error management climate and self-efficacy also reflect the intermediary effect in the relationship between inclusive leadership and employee innovative behavior.