The Four-year Follow-up of Psychosomatic Health and Its Related Factors of Colle ge Students

Abstract:Objective: To investigate psychosomatic health and related factors o f college students during school over a period of 4 years. Methods:Using CPSHS (China Psychosomatic Health Scale),EPQ(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire),DSQ(De fensive Style Questionnaire),LES(life Event Scale) and SSRS(Social Support Ratin g Scale), the authors selected 442 students by randomized block sampling and tes ted them during enrollment, at 3 months after enrollment and at graduation resp ectively. Results:The incidence of psychosomatic disorders was higher at gradua tion (14.0%) than at enrollment (9.0%). EPQ-P scores of male students were found to be increasing with years of schooling. The students used more immature defen sive style and less mature defensive style from 3 months after enrollment. The f reshmen had more interpersonal relationship and other events, but undergraduates have much more family-related events. Conclusion:The high er incidence of psych osomatic disorders in undergraduates was related to their personality type, fami ly-related stress, subjective social support, sex and age. Social support consti tuted a protective factor for psychosomatic health of students.
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