Background organic carbon storage of topsoil and whole profile of soils from Tibet District and their spatial distribution

FAN Yu,LIU Shi-Quan,ZHANG Shi-Rong,DENG Liang-Ji
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Abstract:As the main part of Qinghai-Tibet Plain,the Tibet district has a vast territory with high altitudes,cold climates and widely distributed frozen soils.Its soil organic carbon pools(SOCP) are special and important components of Chinese SOCP and could effectively affect and sensitively respond to the global climate change.Therefore,the baseline values of SOCP and their spatial distribution in Tibet are critical to a good understanding and accurate prediction of the global climate change.However,a complete and accurate SOCP database for Tibet is still to be determined.In this study,the baseline values of soil organic carbon density(SOCD) and reserve(SOCR) were determined for the entire Tibetan region and the SOCD geographic distribution maps were drawn using organic carbon data from 2607 soil profiles and the digitized 1∶2,000,000 Tibetan soil map,both obtained from the soil survey in Tibetan Autonomous Region.The spatial distribution of SOCD and SOCR values was determined using the digitized SOCD geographic distribution map.In estimation of SOCD and SOCR,the international soil classification system was adopted.In consideration of the large regional variation in SOCP,soil profile data (thickness of soil layers,organic matter content,bulk density,gravel content as well as soil profile geographical location,elevation,vegetation cover and so on) were collected by soil subgroups,the charting units in soil maps.The corresponding soil profile database was also established.In recognition of the fact that the degree of weathering is low and gravel content high for all Tibetan soils,the soil organic carbon content for each soil layer was corrected for its gravel content in SOCD estimation and the SOCD of the whole soil profile was the summation of the individual soil layers in each profile.The SOCD of each region or each soil type was a weighted average based on actual soil acres which is also the basis for estimating SOCR.Finally,soil organic carbon richness rate index(R) was calculated to evaluate the storage capacity of organic carbon by various soil types and in different regions.The major findings were summarized as follows:(1)The SOCD of the whole soil profile varied from 0.48 kg m~(-2) to 50.71 kg m~(-2) with an average of 7.48kg m~(-2), less than the average value for China(8.0-10.5 kg m~(-2)),and much lower than that of the world(12.1kg m~(-2)).Therefore,Tibet is one of region in China with the lowest soil organic carbon density.(2)The SOCD values for different soil types varied substantially.For examples,the SOCD values follow the order: Ferroallitic soils(29.2 kg m~(-2))> Eluvial soils(16.6 kg m~(-2))> Alpine meadow soils(12.2 kg m~(-2))> Semi-eluvial soils(9.2 kg m~(-2))> Alpine steppe soils(3.7 kg m~(-2))> Frigid frozen soils(1.6 kg m~(-2))and Alpine desert soils(1.3 kg m~(-2)).(3) The SOCD of surface soil layers(0~20cm) varied from 0.05 kg m~(2) to 26.0 kg m~(-2) with an average of 4.27 kg m~(-2),accounting for 57% of the average SOCD for the whole soil profiles.This percentage is obviously higher than the corresponding average value in China(<=48%),implying that the Tibetan soil organic carbon pools have a high instability and might be more sensitive to the global climate change.(4)The SOCD values of Tibetan soils had a unique horizontal regional distribution pattern;it decreased gradually from the southeast to the northwest Tibet.The soils can be divided into four zones according to their SOCD values: high(Ⅰ),medium(Ⅱ),low(Ⅲ),and extremely low(Ⅳ),corresponding to average SOCD values of 21 kg m~(-2),10 kg m~(-2),4 kg m~(-2) and <2 kg m~(-2),respectively.Within each carbon density zone,there is also a unique vertical distribution pattern.Firstly,soil organic carbon density was higher at low altitude and decreased as the altitude increased.Secondly,the end zone of various vertical patterns was always the extremely low carbon density zone(alpine frost soils) at the highest altitude.(5)Total SOCR for Tibet is 822.76×10~7t(8.23Pg),about 9.14% of the national value(about 90 Pg);Of that,the SOCR of soil surface layers(0-20cm) in Tibet is 469.08×10~7t(4.69Pg).The spatial distribution of SOCR values in Tibet is extremely imbalanced,which is not only related to the large variation of SOCD values in various soil types,but also due to the non-uniform distribution of soil types.Firstly,the four kinds of soils with the highest SOCR values,namely Felty soils,Frigid Calcic soils,Dark felty soils and Dark-Brown Earths,account for 24%,22%,15% and 9% of total SOCR in Tibet,respectively,or altogether for 70% of total SOCR in Tibet.Therefore,they are major types of soils as far as SOCP is concerned.Next,the SOCR values for SOCD zones Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ accounted for 25%,50%,22%,and 3% of the total SOCR for Tibet,respectively.The richness index(R) which reflects the capacity of soil to store carbon was 2.82,1.37,0.53,0.23 for zone Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,respectively,totally consistent with the change in the SOCD values.Although the area of the Zone I and Ⅱ was only for 45% of the total soil acres,the SOCR accounted for 75% of that in Tibet.Therefore,Zone I and Ⅱ are the major reservoir of the SOCP in Tibet.With respect to SOCR of various regions,Naqu is the greatest,while Lhasa is the smallest one.In terms of carbon storage capacity,the order is: Linzhi> Shannan> Lhasa> Qamdo> Zigaze> Naqu> Ali,which is mainly determined by R of predominant soil types in each region.The results will effectively support the research of global change and the work of regional environmental assessment.
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