Weak consistency and asymptotic normality of quasi-maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models

WANG Jian-fa,XIAO Ze-qing,WANG Lu-yi
Abstract:In a generalized linear model with q×1 responses,bounded and fixed p×q regressors Xi and natural link function,the solution βn of quasi-maximum likelihood equation nΣi=1Xi(yi-h(XiTβ))=0 is studied.Under λn→∞ and other conditions,it is proven that the quasi-likelihood equation has a solution βn of weak consistency,and the independent sequences is extended to the sequence of dependent random variables.For t>0,let ψ(t) be a positive nondecreasing function such that limt→∞[ψ(t)]=∞ and tψ(t) is a convex function which is used to prove the asymptotic normality of maximum quasi-likehood estimator βn.
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