The total system risks effect of the macro-network structure change based on the Leontief inverse in China
Jiangyu Li,Yu Wang,Xinrong Xiao,Jiangyu LiYu WangXinrong Xiaoa China School of Banking and Finance,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing,Chinab Research Institute of the People's Bank of China,China
Applied Economics Letters
Abstract:We use the macro-network contagion model to investigate how changes in intersectoral liabilities among non-financial corporations, banks, government, households, and foreign sectors influence systemic risk in China. We conduct simulations on the banks sector's liability ratio changes, which can serve for policy evaluation. The structural change importance index reflects the banks' system importance. When compared to four developed countries, banks risk in China is significantly lower. Households sector also warrants close scrutiny. The multilayer network reveals a significant dependency on the debt layer of the banks, non-financial corporations and households. Our findings provide fresh perspectives on using macro-network for systemic risk management.