Optimal Strategies for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Pursuit/Evasion Differential Game
Xiaoqian Wei,Jianying Yang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.g003480
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Abstract:No AccessEngineering NoteOptimal Strategies for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Pursuit/Evasion Differential GameXiaoqian Wei and Jianying YangXiaoqian WeiPeking University, 100871 Beijing, People’s Republic of China and Jianying YangPeking University, 100871 Beijing, People’s Republic of ChinaPublished Online:4 Jun 2018https://doi.org/10.2514/1.G003480SectionsRead Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Sprinkle J., Eklund J. M., Kim H. J. and Sastry S., “Encoding Aerial Pursuit/Evasion Games with Fixed Wing Aircraft into a Nonlinear Model Predictive Tracking Controller,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 3, IEEE Publ., Piscataway, NJ, 2004, pp. 2609–2614. doi:https://doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2004.1428851 Google Scholar[2] Scott W. and Leonard N. 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TopicsAir NavigationAircraft Operations and TechnologyAircraftsControl TheoryGuidance, Navigation, and Control SystemsOptimal Control TheoryUnmanned Aerial Vehicle KeywordsUnmanned Aerial VehicleOptimal ControlGuidance LawsRadar DetectionControl AlgorithmHeading AngleNewton's MethodNumerical SimulationRoboticsAcknowledgmentsThis research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant nos. 11332001 and 61773024, Innovation Research Project Fund 17-163-11-ZT-003-018-01, and the Joint Fund of the Ministry of Education of China 6141A020223.PDF Received26 November 2017Accepted11 March 2018Published online4 June 2018
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Bearing Angle Measurement Based Cooperative Pursuit-Evasion Game in Non-Convex Environments
Di Guo,Gangfeng Yan,Zhiyun Lin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ascc.2013.6606238
Abstract:This paper addresses a cooperative pursuit-evasion game in non-convex environments, for which a team of pursuers are equipped with onboard bearing angle measurement sensors. Different from many existing work, our work assumes that the agents have no global coordinate system and thus can not measure the absolute positions, but it is expected for the pursuers to estimate the positions of other agents in their local frames. Based on the estimated positions, a distributed computation method is developed where a series of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations are solved cooperatively in order to determine the control input for every pursuer with the help of limited information exchange among pursuers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme by simulations.
Optimal strategies design of active target defense differential game
Fa Chen,Lu Chen,Jian-an Fang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2024.2409308
IF: 2.102
International Journal of Control
Abstract:In this paper, the optimal strategies are investigated for the differential game of active target defense. Specifically, we describe a pursuitevasion game with three agents (namely, an attacker, a target and a defender). For the three agents engagement scenario, two different differential game guidance laws–pure pursuit (PP) and proportional navigation (PN)–are presented for defender. Firstly, the relative motion kinematic models of the three agents are established. We subsequently derive the coupled Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equations to design the optimal control strategies for the three agents. Through the construction of actor-critic neural networks, optimal solutions are obtained. Then, the stability of the three-agent system is ensured, and the convergence to the Nash equilibrium equations is demonstrated. Finally, we simulate the optimal strategies employed by the attacker and the defender-target team, thereby highlighting the contrasting outcomes and superiority of different defensive approaches.
automation & control systems
A Model Predictive Stackelberg Solution to Orbital Pursuit-Evasion Game
Yuchen LIU,Chaoyong LI,Jun JIANG,Yonghe ZHANG
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2024.08.029
IF: 5.7
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate analytical numerical iterative strategies for the pursuit-evasion game involving spacecraft with leader-follower information. In the proposed problem, the interplay between two spacecraft gives rise to a dynamic and real-time game, complicated further by the presence of J2 perturbation. The primary challenge lies in crafting control strategies that are both efficient and applicable to real-time game problems within a nonlinear system. To overcome this challenge, we introduce the model prediction and iterative correction technique proposed in model predictive static programming, enabling the generation of strategies in analytical iterative form for nonlinear systems. Subsequently, we proceed by integrating this model predictive framework into a simplified Stackelberg equilibrium formulation, tailored to address the practical complexities of leader-follower pursuit-evasion scenarios. Simulation results validate the effectiveness and exceptional efficiency of the proposed solution within a receding horizon framework.
An Introduction to Pursuit-evasion Differential Games
Isaac E. Weintraub,Meir Pachter,Eloy Garcia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2003.05013
Abstract:Pursuit and evasion conflicts represent challenging problems with important applications in aerospace and robotics. In pursuit-evasion problems, synthesis of intelligent actions must consider the adversary's potential strategies. Differential game theory provides an adequate framework to analyze possible outcomes of the conflict without assuming particular behaviors by the opponent. This article presents an organized introduction of pursuit-evasion differential games with an overview of recent advances in the area. First, a summary of the seminal work is outlined, highlighting important contributions. Next, more recent results are described by employing a classification based on the number of players: one-pursuer-one-evader, N-pursuers-one-evader, one-pursuer-M-evaders, and N-pursuer-M-evader games. In each scenario, a brief summary of the literature is presented. Finally, two representative pursuit-evasion differential games are studied in detail: the two-cutters and fugitive ship differential game and the active target defense differential game. These problems provide two important applications and, more importantly, they give great insight into the realization of cooperation between friendly agents in order to form a team and defeat the adversary.
Optimization and Control
Optimal control strategies and target selection in multi-pursuer multi-evader differential games
Yinglu Zhou,Yinya Li,Andong Sheng,Guoqing Qi,Jinliang Cong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2024.127701
IF: 6
Abstract:This paper is concerned with a conflict that N -pursuers versus M -evaders. It is a multi-pursuer multi-evader game extended from classical differential game theory to simultaneously address target selection and multi-player pursuit-evasion. Every pursuer attempts to intercept the evader it has chosen as its target while every evader does the opposite. This is modeled as a multi-player nonzero-sum differential game under a weighted directed graph. Moreover, a novel and more practical framework, the Unique-Choice (UC) games framework, is provided. Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaacs (HJI) is used for solving the game to derive the optimal distributed control strategy for each player based on graph theory. An important but has not been extensively studied issue, target selection, is studied. Different from the former research, this paper proposes a more reasonable criterion for target selection which makes the cost of pursuers minimized. The pursuers are proven to intercept evaders successfully with the proposed optimal pursuit strategy. Several illustrative examples under two different cases are presented, and the results show that the cost of pursuers with the proposed target selection algorithm is the minimum of all results.
computer science, artificial intelligence
Optimal avoidance strategy based on nonlinear approximate analytic solution of non-cooperative differential game
S.J. Zhao,H.R. Zhang,R. Lyu,J. Yang,C.C. Xue
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/aer.2024.61
The Aeronautical Journal
Abstract:This study examines the pursuit-evasion game involving unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with a specific focus on the scenario of N-pursuers-one-escapee. The primary objective is to develop an optimal strategy for the escapee when the pursuers possess superior capabilities. To obtain this objective, we conduct the following study. Firstly, to enhance realism, a non-cooperative differential game model is formulated, incorporating multiple motion characteristics, including aerodynamics, overloading, and imposed constraints. Secondly, the end-value performance index is subsequently converted to an integral one, simplifying the solution process of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. An iterative method is utilised to determine the covariates using the Cauchy initial value problem, and its convergence and uniqueness are established. The optimal avoidance strategy is subsequently derived from the covariates. Finally, the superiority of the proposed strategy is validated through simulation experiments and compared to three advanced optimal avoidance strategies. A total of 1,000 anti-jamming simulation experiments are conducted to verify the robustness of the proposed strategy.
engineering, aerospace
Multiple-to-one Orbital Pursuit: A Computational Game Strategy
Yuchen Liu,Yonghe Zhang,Jun Jiang,Chaoyong Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/taes.2024.3471497
IF: 3.491
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the cooperative pursuitevasion problem among on-orbit multiple spacecraft. The presented problem involves a dynamic pursuit process that gives rise to a multiple-to-one pursuit game, in which multiple pursuing spacecraft collaborate to collectively reduce the minimum distance between pursuers and evader. The main challenge lies in establishing the game amidst intricate mission intentions and ensuring efficient generation of game strategies, e.g., the Nash equilibrium strategy. To this end, we formulate the multiple spacecraft pursuit-evasion problem within the framework of a multi-player computational game. Subsequently, a one-step lookahead Nash equilibrium is introduced to facilitate the periodic modification of ideal trajectories during the dynamic game process. In addition, in order to enhance the solution efficiency, we integrate an action-reaction search procedure embedded with a dynamic pruning technique into the search for Nash equilibrium. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Orbital Pursuit–Evasion–Defense Linear-Quadratic Differential Game
Zhen-Yu Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace11060443
IF: 2.66
Abstract:To find superior guidance strategies for preventing possible interception threats from space debris, out-of-control satellites, etc., this paper investigates an orbital pursuit–evasion–defense game problem with three players called the pursuer, the evader, and the defender, respectively. In this game, the pursuer aims to intercept the evader, while the evader tries to escape the pursuer. A defender accompanying the evader can protect the evader by actively intercepting the pursuer. For such a game, a linear-quadratic duration-adaptive (LQDA) strategy is first proposed as a basic strategy for the three players. Later, an advanced pursuit strategy is designed for the pursuer to evade the defender when they are chasing the evader. Meanwhile, a cooperative evasion–defense strategy is proposed for the evader and the defender to build their cooperation. Simulations determined that the proposed LQDA strategy has higher interception accuracy than the classic LQ strategy. Meanwhile, the proposed two-sided pursuit strategy can improve the interception performance of the pursuer against a non-cooperative defender. But if the evader and defender employ the proposed cooperation strategy, the pursuer's interception will be much more difficult.
engineering, aerospace
Cooperative defense of a territorial-constrained target in a target-attacker-defender game
Gangqi Dong,Yahong Xing,Qianbao Mi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0263574724001632
IF: 2.7
Abstract:Multi-player pursuit-evasion games are crucial for addressing the maneuver decision problem arising in the cooperative control of multi-agent systems. This paper presents a cooperative defense strategy involving cooperation and confrontation among the target, attacker, and multiple defenders based on location information only. The primary objective of the attacker is to capture the target while avoiding being captured by multiple defenders. Meanwhile, the target is confined to a restricted area and can only move within its boundaries. The proposed cooperative defense strategy aims to prevent the attacker from capturing the target while minimizing the time required to neutralize the threat. Therefore, the multiple defenders are classified into two categories: the primary defender and the auxiliary defenders. The primary defender is to prevent the attacker from approaching the target by predicting the intention of the attacker. On the other hand, the auxiliary defenders adopt a surround-shrink-capture strategy to reduce the time consumption to capture the attacker. Numerical simulations have been conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Resilient Pursuit Evasion Guidance with Feedback Game Strategy
Bin Yang,Xiaodong Wang,Pengfei Zhang,Chaoyong Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2024.109427
IF: 5.457
Aerospace Science and Technology
Abstract:This paper proposed a resilient guidance strategy for planar pursuit evasion, in which the homing guidance problem is formulated as a Stackelberg game. As is known, the most salient challenge for pursuit evasion guidance is how to ensure an interception despite both players (i.e., missile and target) actively optimize their own interest with preferably incomplete information. Toward this, we introduce a game-theoretic guidance strategy that effectively integrates incentive feedback strategy into pursuit evasion game. In particular, the proposed resilient guidance law takes the form of Stackelberg game conjecture with missile/interceptor as the designated leader, and rigorously proves that leader's interest can be best served with a properly designed feedback gain, and an interception can be made possible in spite of incomplete knowledge on target's intentions (i.e., performance index). Simulation results verify the performance of the proposed strategy.
Real‐time game‐theoretic model predictive control for differential game of target defense
Mukhtar Sani,Ahmad Hably,Bogdan Robu,Jonathan Dumon
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/asjc.3087
IF: 2.4
Asian Journal of Control
Abstract:This paper evaluates experimentally a novel strategy for solving a variant of the differential game of target defense in presence of obstacles. The game is widely applied in the areas of military defense for protecting important equipment such as a ship, an aircraft, a moving vehicle, or a sensitive installation from a malicious attacker. The state‐of‐the‐art approaches mostly employ an offline optimization strategy that is only applicable to holonomic robots. Moreover, most of the approaches could not autonomously avoid obstacles or take into account uncertainties. As a consequence, this paper presents an online optimization technique, by designing a trade‐off parameter that integrates game theory with the model predictive control, which allows a nonholonomic defender to intercept the attacker while simultaneously defending the target. Simulations under different conditions as well as several indoor laboratory experiments validate the proposed approach. Moreover, performance is compared with a standard model predictive control approach.
automation & control systems
Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Differential Games in 3D Space Inspired by Harris' Hawks' Cooperative Hunting Tactics
Wanying Ruan,Haibin Duan,Yongbin Sun,Wanmai Yuan,Jie Xia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34133/research.0246
Abstract:This paper investigates a multiplayer reach-avoid differential game in 3-dimensional (3D) space, which involves multiple pursuers, multiple evaders, and a designated target region. The evaders aim to reach the target region, while the pursuers attempt to guard the target region by capturing the evaders. This class of research holds significant practical value. However, the complexity of the problem escalates substantially with the growing number of players, rendering its solution extremely challenging. In this paper, the multiplayer game is divided into many subgames considering the cooperation among pursuers, reducing the computational burden, and obtaining numerically tractable strategies for players. First, the Apollonius sphere, a fundamental geometric tool for analyzing the 3D differential game, is formulated, and its properties are proved. Based on this, the optimal interception point for the pursuer to capture the evader is derived and the winning conditions for the pursuer and evader are established. Then, based on the Apollonius sphere, the optimal state feedback strategies of players are designed, and simultaneously, the optimal one-to-one pairings are obtained. Meanwhile, the Value function of the multiplayer reach-avoid differential game is explicitly given and is proved to satisfy Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation. Moreover, the matching algorithm for the case with pursuers outnumbered evaders is provided through constructing a weighted bipartite graph, and the cooperative tactics for multiple pursuers are proposed, inspired by the Harris' Hawks intelligent cooperative hunting tactics. Finally, numerical simulations are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results for both cases where the number of adversary players is equal and unequal between the 2 groups.
A Maneuvering Strategy Based on Motion Camouflage in Three-Player Differential Game
Jianqing Li,Qiancheng Zhao,Chaoyong Li,Zhaohui Song
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2024.109642
IF: 5.457
Aerospace Science and Technology
Abstract:In this paper, we consider a three-player differential game in which the defender provides coverage for the evader by maneuvering toward the line of sight between the pursuer and the evader. The TAD game is divided into two pursuit-evasion games to obtain the saddle point strategy for each player. Different from the general solution, the defender uses motion camouflage conditions as its payoff function and gives the real-time maneuvering strategy. This approach ensures that the constraint in the gaming process is met by providing the saddle point solution for each time interval. Additionally, interception strategies are created for each player to get the required heading angle. These strategies and game dynamics can be predicted by examining the current state of the game. Consequently, we establish the advantage region for the pursuer and the defender based on these predictions. Based on the given initial conditions, the advantage region for the defender is presented in its initial velocity vector. Finally, the simulations validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy and the capture region analysis.
A Payoff Augmentation Approach to Two Pursuers and One Evader Inertial Model Differential Game.
Yiqun Zhang,Pengfei Zhang,Xiaodong Wang,Feng Song,Chaoyong Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/taes.2022.3199706
IF: 3.491
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Abstract:In this article, we study the two-on-one inertial model pursuit-evasion differential game with a payoff augmentation approach. In particular, the pursuit-evasion game is treated as a deadline game, and its payoff function is augmented to eliminate the deadline as well as to facilitate a more sophisticate model. In addition, we introduce the retrogressive path for analytical solution to the equilibrium strategy for the closed-loop game, and proceed to demonstrate that the closed-loop game can be converted to a one-side optimization problem for the evader, with the help of the augmented payoff function, under an open-loop Stackelberg strategy. More specifically, we establish the conditional equivalency between the open-loop solution and the closed-loop one. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Optimal Guidance Laws for a Hypersonic Multiplayer Pursuit-Evasion Game Based on a Differential Game Strategy
Haizhao Liang,Zhi Li,Jinze Wu,Yu Zheng,Hongyu Chu,Jianying Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace9020097
IF: 2.66
Abstract:The guidance problem of a confrontation between an interceptor, a hypersonic vehicle, and an active defender is investigated in this paper. As a hypersonic multiplayer pursuit-evasion game, the optimal guidance scheme for each adversary in the engagement is proposed on the basis of linear-quadratic differential game strategy. In this setting, the angle of attack is designed as the output of guidance laws, in order to match up with the nonlinear dynamics of adversaries. Analytical expressions of the guidance laws are obtained by solving the Riccati differential equation derived by the closed-loop system. Furthermore, the satisfaction of the saddle-point condition of the proposed guidance laws is proven mathematically according to the minimax principle. Finally, nonlinear numerical examples based on 3-DOF dynamics of hypersonic vehicles are presented, to validate the analytical analysis in this study. By comparing different guidance schemes, the effectiveness of the proposed guidance strategies is demonstrated. Players in the engagement could improve their performance in confrontation by employing the proposed optimal guidance approaches with appropriate weight parameters.
engineering, aerospace
Escape Regions of the Active Target Defense Differential Game
Eloy Garcia,David W. Casbeer,Meir Pachter
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1504.07900
Abstract:The active target defense differential game is addressed in this paper. In this differential game an Attacker missile pursues a Target aircraft. The aircraft is however aided by a Defender missile launched by, say, the wingman, to intercept the Attacker before it reaches the Target aircraft. Thus, a team is formed by the Target and the Defender which cooperate to maximize the separation between the Target aircraft and the point where the Attacker missile is intercepted by the Defender missile, while the Attacker simultaneously tries to minimize said distance. This paper focuses on characterizing the set of coordinates such that if the Target's initial position belong to this set then its survival is guaranteed if both the Target and the Defender follow their optimal strategies. Such optimal strategies are presented in this paper as well.
Optimization and Control
Approximate Optimal Strategy for Multiagent System Pursuit–Evasion Game
Zhiqiang Xu,Dengxiu Yu,Yan-Jun Liu,Zhen Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/jsyst.2024.3432796
IF: 4.802
IEEE Systems Journal
Abstract:In this article, we propose an approximate optimal control strategy for a class of nonlinear multiagent system pursuit–evasion games. Herein, multiple pursuers aim to capture multiple evaders trying to evade capture. Under the competitive framework, agents not only pursue their individual goals but also consider coordination with their teammates to achieve collective objectives. However, maintaining cohesion with teammates in existing distributed control methods has always been a challenge. To enhance team coordination, we employ a graph-theoretic approach to represent the relationships between agents. Based on this, we design a dynamic target graph algorithm to enhance the coordination among pursuers. The approximate optimal strategies for each agent are solved by utilizing the Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaacs equations of the system. As solving these equations becomes computationally intensive in multiagent scenarios, we propose a value-based single network adaptive critic network architecture. In addition, we consider scenarios where the numbers of agents on both sides are inconsistent and address the phenomenon of input saturation. Moreover, we provide sufficient conditions to prove the system's stability. Finally, simulations conducted in two representative scenarios, multiple-pursuer-one-evader and multiple-pursuer-multiple-evader, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.
computer science, information systems,telecommunications,engineering, electrical & electronic,operations research & management science
An Open Loop Stackelberg Solution to Optimal Strategy for UAV Pursuit-Evasion Game
Yiqun Zhang,Pengfei Zhang,Xiaodong Wang,Feng Song,Chaoyong Li,Junhong Hao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2022.107840
IF: 5.457
Aerospace Science and Technology
Abstract:The optimal strategy structure for two-on-one open loop Stackelberg pursuit evasion game is studied, with the evader is chosen as the leader. The major idea is obtaining the strategy structure of the optimal solutions, which serves as a knowledge for the numerical approach. Two major ingredients are presented. Firstly, it is proved that all players should adopt constrained time-optimal strategy over their trajectories. Secondly, the optimal strategy structures are rigorously developed for all participants, relying upon the fact that all players aim to achieve a constrained time-optimal trajectory. Accordingly, a strategy set-based numerical scheme is constructed. Simulation results agree with the theoretical analysis.
Optimal-Damage-Effectiveness Cooperative-Control Strategy for the Pursuit-Evasion Problem with Multiple Guided Missiles
Xiang Ma,Keren Dai,Man Li,Hang Yu,Weichen Shang,Libo Ding,He Zhang,Xiaofeng Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239342
Abstract:In this paper, an optimal-damage-effectiveness cooperative-control strategy based on a damage-efficiency model and a virtual-force method is proposed to solve the pursuit-evasion problem with multiple guided missiles. Firstly, different from the overly ideal assumption in the traditional pursuit-evasion problem, an optimization problem that maximizes the damage efficiency is established and solved, making the optimal-damage-effectiveness strategy more meaningful for practical applications. Secondly, a modified virtual-force method is proposed to obtain this optimal-damage-effectiveness control strategy, which solves the numerical solution challenges brought by the high-complexity damage function. Thirdly, adaptive gain is designed in this strategy based on guidance-integrated fuze technology to achieve robust maximum damage efficiency in unpredictable interception conditions. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed strategy are verified by numerical simulations.
Equilibrium Strategy of the Pursuit-Evasion Game in Three-Dimensional Space
Nuo Chen,Linjing Li,Wenji Mao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/jas.2023.123996
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Abstract:The pursuit-evasion game models the strategic interaction among players, attracting attention in many realistic scenarios, such as missile guidance, unmanned aerial vehicles, and target defense. Existing studies mainly concentrate on the cooperative pursuit of multiple players in two-dimensional pursuit-evasion games. However, these approaches can hardly be applied to practical situations where players usually move in three-dimensional space with a three-degree-of-freedom control. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate the equilibrium strategy of the realistic pursuit-evasion game, in which the pursuer follows a three-degree-of-freedom control, and the evader moves freely. First, we describe the pursuer's three-degree-of-freedom control and the evader's relative coordinate. We then rigorously derive the equilibrium strategy by solving the retrogressive path equation according to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs (HJBI) method, which divides the pursuit-evasion process into the navigation and acceleration phases. Besides, we analyze the maximum allowable speed for the pursuer to capture the evader successfully and provide the strategy with which the evader can escape when the pursuer's speed exceeds the threshold. We further conduct comparison tests with various unilateral deviations to verify that the proposed strategy forms a Nash equilibrium.
automation & control systems