Performance Assessment of Combining AquaCrop Model with Recalculating Air Temperature of Straw-mulching Maize for Estimating Evapo-transpiration and Yield

Ning Yang,Zhanxiang Sun,Muzi Zheng,Liangshan Feng,Lizhen Zhang,Wei Bai,Wuyan Xiang
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
Abstract:A water-driven AquaCrop model, constantly simulated and recommended by FAO has been a widely accepted and is a powerful tool for assessing the productivity response to crop water utilization in rain-fed farming system. We recalculated AquaCrop model's daily air temperature of straw-mulching (SM) based upon the inter-conversion effect of the cumulative soil temperature with the cumulative air temperature and the relationship between air temperature and the soil temperature of the maize(Zea mays L.) in 2014a. The straw-mulched maize compensatory coefficient (CSM-maize) and air decrement of the cumulative soil temperature with the cumulative air temperature can be calculated as follows: CSM-maize was -0.797 from sowing to emergence, -0.637 from emergence to the tasseling stage and 0 after harvesting in the inter-conversion process. In addition, we calibrated the CSM-maize and recalculated air temperature by using measured experimental data of the growing days the evapo-transpiration (ET) and the grain yield (GY) in 2011a. After experimental data from 2012 and 2013a were used to validate the developed model for simulating the canopy cover (CC), soil water content (SWC), GY the prediction error (Pe), the coefficient of determination (R-2), the model coefficient of efficiency (CE) the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) and the Willmott index of agreement (d) were used to assess the model performance. The AquaCrop along with the original and recalculating SM air temperature were measured and simulated for the values of the growing days. The ET and GY were-5%< P-e<5%, 0.01<RRMSE<0.04 and -0.85<d in 2011a. Further verifications were simulated and measured for the values of the SWC and CC, which were 0.88<R-2, 0.87<CE, 0.09<RRMSE<0.39 from 2012 to 2013 respectively. The Pe of the model in GY, ET and WUE was 5%<P-e,-4%<P-e<4% and P-e<7%, respectively. These results indicated that the modified and recalculated SM air temperature used in the AquaCrop model was a better mechanism and application for simulating straw-mulched maize development process. Furthermore, the modeling and simulating determined that the relationship between ET and the transpiration (T) had a significantly positive linear correlation with SM (R-2=0.94) and NM (R-2=0.94). The SM and NM highest GY response to historical rainfall were determined, respectively. Also, the precipitation use efficient (PUE) of SM was 19.4% higher than NM. Recalculating air temperature of straw-mulching was a noteworthy path toward improving the AquaCrop model for mulching and was a suitable and novel way to simulate and estimate the T, ET and GY responses to the water of developing straw-mulched maize rain-fed farming systems. (C) 2017 Friends Science Publishers
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