Applications of the Local Variational Iteration Method in Structural Dynamics
Xuechuan Wang,Xiaokui Yue,Honghua Dai,Haoyang Feng,Satya N. Atluri
Abstract:A new class of algorithms for solving nonlinear structural dynamical problems are derived in the chapter, as being based on optimal-feedback-accelerated Picard iteration, wherein the solution vectors for the displacements and velocities at any time in a finitely large time interval are corrected by a weighted integral of the error. We present 3 approximations to solve the Euler-Lagrange equations for the optimal weighting functions λ; thus we present 3 algorithms denoted as local variational iteration method (LVIM) algorithms-1, 2, 3. The interval in the 3 algorithms can be several hundred times larger than the step size required in the finite difference based implicit or explicit methods, for the same stability and accuracy. Moreover, the LVIM algorithms-2, 3 do not require the inversion of the tangent stiffness matrix, as is required in finite difference based implicit methods. It is found that LVIM algorithms-1, 2, 3 (especially algorithm-2) require several orders of magnitude of less computational time than the currently popular implicit and explicit finite difference methods, and provide better accuracy and convergence.