Focusing scattering light field with different states based on iterative algorithm
Mei-Gang Duan,Ying Zhao,Hao-Yi Zuo,School of Applied Sciences, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China,College of Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Duan Mei-Gang, Zhao Ying, Zuo Hao-Yi Transmitting optical information through scattering medium has broad application prospects in biomedical, aerospace and other fields. However, the light passing through the scattering medium will cause wavefront distortion and optical information blurring. Wavefront shaping technology uses a mathematical matrix to characterize the characteristics of scattering medium, which can achieve refocusing and imaging after light propagation through the scattering medium. It mainly includes optical phase conjugation, optical transmission matrix and wavefront shaping based on iterative optimization. However, the iterative wavefront shaping is considered to be a cost-effective method. Based on the wavefront amplitude modulation technology, the wavefront amplitude of the incident light is continuously adjusted by using the optimization algorithm to find the corresponding wavefront amplitude distribution that can maximize the light intensity in the target area. The system generates binary patterns implemented with digital-micromirror device (DMD) based on on-off state of micromirror, where "on" represents 1 and "off" refers to 0. The DMD has a high refresh rate and can achieve high speed wavefront amplitude modulation by using the iteration algorithm. In the experiment, the scattering medium is prepared with TiO<sub<2< (cor)="" (ga)="" (pga)="" (wgr).="" 1000="" 300-s-measurement="" 64="" a="" ability="" accomplish="" achieve="" addition,="" after="" algorithm="" also="" amplitude="" and="" are="" be="" but="" by="" can="" cannot="" coefficient="" completed.="" conditions,="" control="" controlled="" correlation="" curve="" demonstrate="" deviation="" different="" discusses="" enhancement="" experiment="" experimental="" factor="" field="" field,="" focusing="" for="" ga="" gelatin,="" genetic="" greater="" guard="" higher="" in="" inversely="" is="" is.="" it="" iterations="" iterative="" light="" mainly="" media="" medium="" medium.="" method="" modulation,="" more="" multi-point="" new="" not="" obtained="" of="" only="" p="" pearson="" performance="" persistence="" pga="" point="" proportional="" provides="" ratio="" relative="" results="" same="" scattered="" scattering="" scheme="" segments.="" self-made="" shaping.<="" shorter="" show="" shows="" single-point="" spatial="" standard="" studies="" study="" sub Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(12): 124203. Published 2024-06-20</sub<2<>
physics, multidisciplinary