Measurement Of D-0 Azimuthal Anisotropy At Midrapidity In Au Plus Au Collisions At Root S-Nn=200 Gev

L. Adamczyk,J. K. Adkins,G. Agakishiev,M. M. Aggarwal,Z. Ahammed,N. N. Ajitanand,I. Alekseev,D. M. Anderson,R. Aoyama,A. Aparin,D. Arkhipkin,E. C. Aschenauer,M. U. Ashraf,A. Attri,G. S. Averichev,X. Bai,V. Bairathi,A. Behera,R. Bellwied,A. Bhasin,A. K. Bhati,P. Bhattarai,J. Bielcik,J. Bielcikova,L. C. Bland,I. G. Bordyuzhin,J. Bouchet,J. D. Brandenburg,A. V. Brandin,D. Brown,I. Bunzarov,J. Butterworth,H. Caines,M. Calderon De La Barca Sanchez,J. M. Campbell,D. Cebra,I. Chakaberia,P. Chaloupka,Z. Chang,N. Chankova-Bunzarova,A. Chatterjee,S. Chattopadhyay,X. Chen,J. H. Chen,X. Chen,J. Cheng,M. Cherney,W. Christie,G. Contin,H. J. Crawford,S. Das,L. C. De Silva,R. R. Debbe,T. G. Dedovich,J. Deng,A. A. Derevschikov,L. Didenko,C. Dilks,X. Dong,J. L. Drachenberg,J. E. Draper,L. E. Dunkelberger,J. C. Dunlop,L. G. Efimov,N. Elsey,J. Engelage,G. Eppley,R. Esha,S. Esumi,O. Evdokimov,J. Ewigleben,O. Eyser,R. Fatemi,S. Fazio,P. Federic,P. Federicova,J. Fedorisin,Z. Feng,P. Filip,E. Finch,Y. Fisyak,C. E. Flores,L. Fulek,C. A. Gagliardi,D. Garand,F. Geurts,A. Gibson,M. Girard,L. Greiner,D. Grosnick,D. S. Gunarathne,Y. Guo,A. Gupta,S. Gupta,W. Guryn,A. I. Hamad,A. Hamed,A. Harlenderova,J. W. Harris,L. He,S. Heppelmann,S. Heppelmann,A. Hirsch,G. W. Hoffmann,S. Horvat,T. Huang,B. Huang,X. Huang,H. Z. Huang,T. J. Humanic,P. Huo,G. Igo,W. W. Jacobs,A. Jentsch,J. Jia,K. Jiang,S. Jowzaee,E. G. Judd,S. Kabana,D. Kalinkin,K. Kang,K. Kauder,H. W. Ke,D. Keane,A. Kechechyan,Z. Khan,D. P. Kikola,I. Kisel,A. Kisiel,L. Kochenda,M. Kocmanek,T. Kollegger,L. K. Kosarzewski,A. F. Kraishan,P. Kravtsov,K. Krueger,N. Kulathunga,L. Kumar,J. Kvapil,J. H. Kwasizur,R. Lacey,J. M. Landgraf,K. D. Landry,J. Lauret,A. Lebedev,R. Lednicky,J. H. Lee,X. Li,C. Li,W. Li,Y. Li,J. Lidrych,T. Lin,M. A. Lisa,H. Liu,P. Liu,Y. Liu,F. Liu,T. Ljubicic,W. J. Llope,M. Lomnitz,R. S. Longacre,S. Luo,X. Luo,G. L. Ma,L. Ma,Y. G. Ma,R. Ma,N. Magdy,R. Majka,D. Mallick,S. Margetis,C. Markert,H. S. Matis,K. Meehan,J. C. Mei,Z. W. Miller,N. G. Minaev,S. Mioduszewski,D. Mishra,S. Mizuno,B. Mohanty,M. M. Mondal,D. A. Morozov,M. K. Mustafa,Md. Nasim,T. K. Nayak,J. M. Nelson,M. Nie,G. Nigmatkulov,T. Niida,L. V. Nogach,T. Nonaka,S. B. Nurushev,G. Odyniec,A. Ogawa,K. Oh,V. A. Okorokov,D. Olvitt,B. S. Page,R. Pak,Y. Pandit,Y. Panebratsev,B. Pawlik,H. Pei,C. Perkins,P. Pile,J. Pluta,K. Poniatowska,J. Porter,M. Posik,A. M. Poskanzer,N. K. Pruthi,M. Przybycien,J. Putschke,H. Qiu,A. Quintero,S. Ramachandran,R. L. Ray,R. Reed,M. J. Rehbein,H. G. Ritter,J. B. Roberts,O. V. Rogachevskiy,J. L. Romero,J. D. Roth,L. Ruan,J. Rusnak,O. Rusnakova,N. R. Sahoo,P. K. Sahu,S. Salur,J. Sandweiss,M. Saur,J. Schambach,A. M. Schmah,W. B. Schmidke,N. Schmitz,B. R. Schweid,J. Seger,M. Sergeeva,P. Seyboth,N. Shah,E. Shahaliev,P. V. Shanmuganathan,M. Shao,A. Sharma,M. K. Sharma,W. Q. Shen,Z. Shi,S. S. Shi,Q. Y. Shou,E. P. Sichtermann,R. Sikora,M. Simko,S. Singha,M. J. Skoby,N. Smirnov,D. Smirnov,W. Solyst,L. Song,P. Sorensen,H. M. Spinka,B. Srivastava,T. D. S. Stanislaus,M. Strikhanov,B. Stringfellow,T. Sugiura,M. Sumbera,B. Summa,Y. Sun,X. M. Sun,X. Sun,B. Surrow,D. N. Svirida,M. A. Szelezniak,A. H. Tang,Z. Tang,A. Taranenko,T. Tarnowsky,A. Tawfik,J. Thader,J. H. Thomas,A. R. Timmins,D. Tlusty,T. Todoroki,M. Tokarev,S. Trentalange,R. E. Tribble,P. Tribedy,S. K. Tripathy,B. A. Trzeciak,O. D. Tsai,T. Ullrich,D. G. Underwood,I. Upsal,G. Van Buren,G. Van Nieuwenhuizen,A. N. Vasiliev,F. Videbkaek,S. Vokal,S. A. Voloshin,A. Vossen,G. Wang,Y. Wang,F. Wang,Y. Wang,J. C. Webb,G. Webb,L. Wen,G. D. Westfall,H. Wieman,S. W. Wissink,R. Witt,Y. Wu,Z. G. Xiao,W. Xie,G. Xie,J. Xu,N. Xu,Q. H. Xu,Y. F. Xu,Z. Xu,Y. Yang,Q. Yang,C. Yang,S. Yang,Z. Ye,Z. Ye,L. Yi,K. Yip,I. -K. Yoo,N. Yu,H. Zbroszczyk,W. Zha,Z. Zhang,X. P. Zhang,J. B. Zhang,S. Zhang,J. Zhang,Y. Zhang,J. Zhang,S. Zhang,J. Zhao,C. Zhong,L. Zhou,C. Zhou,X. Zhu,Z. Zhu,M. Zyzak
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We report the first measurement of the elliptic anisotropy (v(2)) of the charm meson D-0 at midrapidity (broken vertical bar y broken vertical bar < 1) in Au + Au collisions at root S-NN = 200 GeV. The measurement was conducted by the STAR experiment at RHIC utilizing a new high- resolution silicon tracker. The measured D-0 v(2) in 0%-80% centrality Au + Au collisions can be described by a viscous hydrodynamic calculation for a transverse momentum (p(T)) of less than 4 GeV/c. The D-0 v(2) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (m(T) - m(0), where m(T) = root p(T)(2) + m(0)(2) p) is consistent with that of light mesons in 10%- 40% centrality Au + Au collisions. These results suggest that charm quarks have achieved local thermal equilibrium with the medium created in such collisions. Several theoretical models, with the temperature-dependent, dimensionless charm spatial diffusion coefficient (2 pi TDs) in the range of similar to 2-12, are able to simultaneously reproduce our D-0 v(2) result and our previously published results for the D-0 nuclear modification factor.
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