Effect of Different Seeding and Transplanting Dates on Tillering Characteris-tics of Super IndicaHybrid Rice with Mechanized Seeding and Planting and Its Relationships with Meteorological Factors

ZHONG Xiao-Yuan,ZHAO Min,LI Jun-Jie,CHEN Duo,TIAN Qing-Lan,WANG Li,HUANG Guang-Zhong,REN Wan-Jun
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01708
Abstract:In order to explore tillering characteristics and its relationships with meteorological factors in superindica hybrid rice with mechanized seeding and planting with different seeding and transplanting dates, a split plot field experiment was conducted using superindica hybrid rice F you 498 and Yixiangyou 2115 with seedling age of 30 days and treatments of five seeding dates including March 21 (S1), March 31 (S2), April 10 (S3), April 20 (S4), April 30 (S5), and five transplanting dates including April 21, May 1, May 11, May 21, and May 31. Rice yield was significantly different under different seeding and transplanting dates, and decreased with delaying sowing dates. Yield of rice seeded on March 21 was the highest, while that on April 30 was the low-est. The main stem contribution to yield was (S1–S4) < S5. The total contribution of primary tillers and secondary tillers group to yield was (S1–S4) > S5. Leaf 3 to leaf 6 with seeding date on S1, and leaves 3 to 5 from S2 to S5 were the superior leaf positions. Leaf positions of tiller emerging and earbearing tended to centralize with delaying sowing and transplanting dates. Primary tillers of F you 498 emerged mainly from 3/0 to 7/0 when seeding from S1 to S4, while emerged mainly from 3/0 to 6/0 when seeding on S5. Primary tillers of Yixiangyou 2115 emerged mainly from 3/0 to 7/0 when seeding on S1, while emerged mainly from 3/0 to 6/0 when seeding from S2 to S5. Primary tillers earbeared mainly from 3/0 to 6/0 when seeding on S1, while that was mainly from 3/0 to 5/0 when seeding from S2 to S5. Secondary tillers emerged and earbeared mainly from leaf 3 to leaf 4 on main stem. Primary and secon-dary tillers emerging rate was significantly negatively correlated with average relative humidity, while significantly positively corre-lated with average diurnal temperature range, accumulated temperature and average sunshine hours at tillering stage. The primary tiller earbearing rate was significantly negatively correlated with average relative humidity and average temperature at tillering stage, while significantly positively correlated with average diurnal temperature range at tillering stage, while significantly negatively corre-lated with average relative humidity at inflorescence differentiation stage, while significantly positively correlated with average sun-shine hours. In comprehensive view, planting before May 11 will be more beneficial to higher yield, planting before May 21 will be in favour of stable yield, while planting after May 21 will decrease yield of rice in Chengdu plain.
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