Game Analysis of Reverse Multiple Attribute Electronic Bidding in Construction Markets for End Users

XUE Yanguang,DENG Xiaomei,FENG Ke
Abstract:Electronic bidding platforms optimize resource allocation for the construction market and effectively prevent unfair competition.However,electronic bidding platforms for the construction market lack a response mechanism to the end users' demands,such as building quality,resulting in lower end user satisfaction.The characteristics of the construction market,especially the demands of the end-users and the need for multiattribute electronic bidding are incorporated into a two-stage auction model which includes an online multi-attribute reverse auction model and a bargaining game model with incomplete information and unlimited rounds.The solutions of the two stage model compared to the Bayesian Nash equilibrium strategy and the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium.This model successfully responds to the end-user demands,reduces the total supply chain cost,and improves the construction industry supply chain competitiveness.
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